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Harry's POV

I could feel the warmth of human contact. The last time I ever hugged anyone was when I left for London. The last female I ever hugged was my mother. This just felt so surreal.

Taylor let go of me and looked into my eyes. I was still shocked from that small kiss she planted on my lips.

She frowned with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Y... Yeah... I just..."

"You never kissed anyone before, have you?" I could tell she was suppressing a sneaky grin.

"Well, yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck, looking away from her curious blue eyes.

"You're such a dork." She laughed.

I laughed a little, embarrassed. Taylor's smile then faded. She ran a hand through her hair and fidgeted on the bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She got up and started pacing around the room.

"Professor Smith..." she replied.

"What happened?" Natalie asked, getting up on her feet. "Did something happen to him?"

"Yeah... Remember that fallen angel he told us one day about? And told us not to follow in his footsteps?" Taylor glanced at Natalie, eyes filled with fear.

"Oh... That guy... That... Ry... What's his name?" Natalie was rubbing her forehead, hoping to recall his name.

My heart skipped a beat. "Rylie."

"Yeah." Natalie frowned. "How'd you know?" Everyone's eyes were on me, even Kenneth who was now sitting upright.

"I... Er..." I couldn't get used to the pressure of answering to so many people, some I have just met a few days ago and some I seemed to have known before I was even born.

I glanced at Taylor, hoping to find comfort and calamity in her ocean blue eyes. She could tell and gave me a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Harry. Take your time to explain."

I nodded. I took a deep breath and started, "Rylie is the character from the book I'm writing on this website, a book called Forgotten."

"That book you were so secretive about?" Louis asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yeah... Anyway, he was born as a fallen angel and has always hated his powers."

"Isn't that similar to that short story you wrote and had to read out to the class?" Camila inquired. I nodded. "By the way, so sorry to drag you into that."

"It's okay." I gave her a forgiving smile.

"So you are saying Rylie somehow came to life?" Natalie asked. "From a story that you wrote."

"Yeah, apparently."

"Maybe that's why they want to kill you," Kenneth said out of the blue. "Because you have this power which can make people come to life."

Me? I'm not special. I'm not anything. Is it really me who could be so powerful?

"So you somehow saying that I'm like you guys?" I glanced at Kenneth, Natalie, then Taylor.

"Well, not exactly." Taylor opened her mouth then shut it. She began pacing around the room again. "I mean, we don't even have the power to create life. Angels are here to protect. But you..." Her eyes fixated on mine. "You're different."

"But how?"

"I don't know..." I could sense a tinge of frustration in her tone. She took slow deep breaths. "It's getting dark. We have to do something." She looked at Kenneth and then, Natalie.

"We have to go to our dorms to get some things. We'll be right back," Taylor said. She looked at me for a while before leaving the room with Natalie and Kenneth trailing along behind.

After the door shut, Louis gave us both a look and then said, "Let's just hope we can even survive these few minutes without them in this room."





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