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"Just get this class over with and you can come back here to write whatever you want in Forgotten (A story Harry is working on on that website c:)," I told myself in front of the mirror.

I stared into my green eyes in the mirror. I kept trying to find reasons as to why Taylor didn't recognise me. I shook my head. Ugh. I hate my brain so much. I get so distracted by the little thoughts that weren't important when I'm not doing something I have a passion for. Get a hold of yourself. You are going to go into that class happily just like you are supposed to.

I practised the smile I was going to put on before slipping on a plain white shirt and put on a flannel. Then, I left the bathroom to get my jeans. I literally jumped when I saw someone sitting beside my bed, in a chair. A girl.

She seemed so... translucent. Or ghostly, to be exact. So does the chair. She was crying, face buried in her palms. She was in hospital clothes. Weird.

I didn't move or said a word. All I could do was stare. She suddenly looked up. Her tears created such obvious marks on her cheeks. Her eyes met mine. Then, the image dissolved into nothingness. I stood there, breathless.

That girl.



What was she doing there? Can I see ghosts? But isn't she still alive? What even is that? A vision? A ghost?

"OH MY GOD!" I heard a shriek.

I whipped my head to face the person standing at the door. Camila was covering her eyes. It took me a few seconds before I realised I was wearing my boxers. Louis was just standing there, staring at me.

"What in the world were you doing, Harry?" Louis asked.

"I... er..." My hands fumbled on the rim of my pants and finally pulled them up. "I was just..."

Louis just rolled his eyes and walked in. Camila was left, standing there, hand still over her eyes. She opened a gap between her index and middle finger and peeked. She let out a sigh of relief. She then trailed behind Louis.

I watched their every move. Louis took something from his still unpacked bag. It was a magazine.

"Oh my god! YES!" Camila squealed.

"I told you I have it. It has all the articles about your favourite youtubers." Louis grinned proudly. Youtubers. Hm. So the both of them have something in common.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" She lurched forward and gave Louis a grateful hug. His eyes widened before his arms gradually found his way around her waist. She then pushed him away and glanced at me blankly. She frowned angrily.

I avoided her gaze and began to put my laptop into my bag. I heard her footsteps fade as she walked out of the room.

"She... She hugged... She hugged me..." Louis mumbled, staring at the open door.

I rolled my eyes. "She's annoying as fuck, Lou. Don't bother falling for her."

"What do you even know about her?" Louis snapped. He frowned. "Is she in your writing class?"

"So what? She pissed me off yesterday."

He didn't believe me. I could tell. He retorted, "You know what? Maybe she was just helping you."

"Oh, sure, getting me to read a passage to the class and embarassing me in front of Taylor was helping. Then, I should leave now to thank her." I grabbed my bag and made my way out.



I could see Camila walking to the lecture hall. A part of me want to catch up with her and apologise for making her angry yesterday by blurting out mean and untrue things about her. Another part of me want to leave her alone so I would also be left alone during classes.

So I did the latter.

I found a seat at the back of the hall so I was all alone and not anywhere near Camila. I saw Taylor walk in. Her eyes met mine and she smiled. I didn't know if I should. Plus it was really odd that she smiled at me even after what happened yesterday. Perhaps she's just really forgiving.

She walked up the steps. I kept praying that she wouldn't come all the way up. Or maybe I was praying that she would.

She was one step closer to my row of seats. Please don't take another step. Please.

But she did. I had to move in to let her sit next to me. Her eyes met mine. The image of that ghostly figure 'casually' made its way into my mind.

"Hi," she said.

"Yeah, um, hi..." I smiled. I looked away shyly and took out my laptop.

I caught two pairs of eyes looking at us from both sides of the hall. The boy from the day before who partnered with her and Camila.

Camila's gaze was a mixed of surprise and disappointment. The boy's gaze was more of an angry one. I bit my lip.

Yet another interesting lesson to get through for today.









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