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a/n: lmao. i have an urge to write Forgotten. But the vocabulary is gonna be so limited and lame af. would you guys even read it? lol i dont even know.

enjoy the story anyways ♡


I woke up earlier than usual this morning. It was still dark. I checked the clock: 6:45am. I ended up staring at the ceiling. My mind still having thoughts about whatever happened the day before.

Ever since I saw her, everything just starts getting so weird and effed up. Does she have something to do with it? Why does she say that she didn't come the day before yesterday? I clearly saw her, with that boy. And what is the boy's problem anyway? It's Taylor who started flirting with me. It's not my fault that I didn't know she could have had a boyfriend.

But she's so pretty. Obviously she would, right? Stupid Harry. You shouldn't even think that she was staring at you that day at the library because she likes you right? You look so freaking ridiculous and dorky. So who would even show an interest in you?

Plus what is up with Camila? Why does she even staring at me? Is she still holding a grudge? I kinda feel sorry for saying that she was a annoying girl with no friends. She did seem like one though...

I pulled the side of a pillow to cover my face and shouted into it, frustrated. You are a major fuck-up, Styles. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I started sniffling.

"Hey, Harry, you okay?" I heard Louis ask.

I frantically wiped away my tears and snot on my pillow and put the side of the pillow covering my face down. I faked a smile. "Yeah. I'm okay."

"You sounded like you are crying." He sat up. Then, he raised an eyebrow. "Are you?"

I didn't want to reply. I didn't want to lie. But at the same time, I didn't want Louis to make it worse.

He got up and walked over to my bed. He sat down in front of me. I moved a bit towards the wall so there was space for him to sit.

"Is it something about Taylor?"


"Is it because of that voice yesterday?" His face suddenly seemed so frightened.

"Yeah." I frowned. I got up and crossed my legs in front of me. I stared at him. "Did you actually hear it?"

"Kinda... I heard someone said 'Harry' though. It sounded a lot like Taylor." He glanced at me. "Is this place haunted?"

"No..." I looked to where the image would be sitting. "At least I hope not."

We sat on my bed in silence until I finally found the courage to tell him about the girl in the chair.

"I... er..."

His eyes met mine. I looked down.

"I saw this ghostly figure of this girl in a chair next to my bed that day. When you and Camila were at the door. She looked a lot like Taylor. That's why I haven't had any pants on that day. I was too shocked to do anything. I didn't want to tell you because..." I looked up into his eyes. "I didn't know how you would take it."

His eyes remained wide. His mouth was slightly agape. "Are you for real? Like, like, this isn't a joke?"

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Oh my god." He faced forward and ran his hand through his hair. He then faced me again. "I told you you should have ignored that girl."

"What? It was you who went up to her!"

"Well, how was I to know she could do dark magic or something?"

"Anyway, that wasn't the weirdest part."

"What is?" he asked, intrigued.

"Remember when you bumped into Taylor and she couldn't recall either of us?"

"Yeah... It was odd."

"It's going to get odder because yesterday, she seemed to recognise me all over again. And she even said that she wasn't even there the day before yesterday. There was even this dude that gave me this angry glare when Taylor sat next to me during class yesterday. I'm guessing it's her boyfriend." I decided not to tell him about how Camila had looked at me with a disappointed look on her face.

"That's not a surprise. I mean look at how pretty she is." He looked at me and sighed. "I feel so sorry for you, mate." He patted my shoulder. His eyebrows furrowed. "And a little freaked out too."

I kept quiet and stared down at my fingers, playing with them. I felt a small gust of wind. I looked up.


Not the real one. The ghostly one.

"Did you feel that wind?" Louis asked. I nodded. My heart began to race as I watched her.

She walked right through the door, holding a bouquet of flowers. She had a really sad look on her face.

"Are you okay? Is she here?"

"Yeah." I never lifted my eyes from her.

She set the "flowers" down on my study table and sat down on the chair that was once again next to my bed. She buried her face in her hands. I noticed she looked so damaged. With bruises and plasters on her arm and face.

"Harry... I... I'm so sorry..." she whispered into her hands. She was sobbing.

"Are you hearing what I'm hearing?" Louis asked.

"Shhh..." I hissed.

"I shouldn't have dated J... I shouldn't have... I hate myself for making you like this." She looked up and turned to look at my bed like someone was lying there. She seemed to be stroking someone's face when nothing was actually on my pillow.

"I'm so sorry, Harry..." She burst into tears as she laid her head on my bed.

Then, it dissolved into thin air. My alarm clock rang. It was 7:00am. I ignored it and stared at where Taylor was sitting. The bouquet of flowers had disappeared too. I finally got up and switched off my alarm.

"Why did she say sorry to you?" Louis asked me after a while.

"I wish I knew," I mumbled.


yayy two more exams. did i say the same thing before? lol whatever bc YAY

anyway hope you like this chapter. It's part-filler, part-not-filler chapter lol

i love you all so much for reading, voting and commenting!! ♡♡♡




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