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Harry sat down on the bed, then fall backwards, letting out a sigh. "Finally, there's nothing to worry about and I can concentrate on my studies!"

Louis laughed as he sat down next to me. "Well, you will worry when Taylor is no longer in the mortal realm."

Harry sat up immediately at the realisation that what Louis was true. "Why do you have to remind me?"

Louis smirked and gave a casual shrug. Suddenly, the door burst open. Taylor was squealing excitedly, jumping up and down.

"What the..." Harry exclaimed. He turned to look at Louis. "We must put a lock on the door next time. I hate surprises." Louis nodded in agreement, eyes still wide from shock.

"I found out that I can do this super cool thing!" Taylor said, still hopping around.

"And that is?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

All of a sudden, her body fell limp on the ground. Harry's heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to get up, Louis' arm grabbed onto his.

"I'm over here." Louis' face leant in close to Harry's. Oddly, Harry didn't move back.

"Holy crap!" Camila yelled.

Harry jolted back.

"Why are you guys making out while Taylor is lying lifeless on the ground?" Camila got into a squatting position and lifted Taylor's head, shaking her gently.

Louis loosened his grip. Taylor's eyes opened and she got up to a sitting position.

"That was not fun, Taylor." Louis frowned at Harry's blonde girlfriend. She just started laughing.

"What just happened?" Camila and Harry asked at the same time.

"My soul can leave this body and go to whichever body I want to," Taylor explained, laughing.

"Does that mean when you are going to go back to the heavenly realm, you can take someone else's body and stay here?" Harry asked, tone a little too excited.

"I don't actually think so. Won't it be weird to make out with someone who you never really know and I just suddenly possess?" Taylor asked in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Yeah, true..." Harry sighed. All he wanted was to finally have the both of them alive and spend the rest of their lives together.

Taylor got up and proceeded to sit next to her boyfriend. She placed her hand on his face. "Hey, don't be so sad. You would make me feel bad when I go back."

Harry managed a small smile. Their lips met. She then pushed him back, saying, "I'm sure we will meet again in our afterlife, okay? I will make sure that happens. I will beg Professor Smith."

We laughed.

"I'll miss you so bad," Harry said.

"I'll miss you just as much," Taylor replied.


epilogue requested by: @thugswizzle :)

well, this signals the end of this story.

anyway, i did another fanfic called "this love // haylor a.u." it may have a quite boring start but i assure you it will get exciting soon ♡

angels // haylor a.u.Where stories live. Discover now