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Taylor's POV

Kenneth walked a fair distance away from me as we made our way back to our dorm room. I was tempted to ask him if he was okay. I tried to read his thoughts but he seemed to be blocking me out, something Only angels were capable of doing so.

"Kenneth..." I walked closer but he just started walking slowly and lag behind us. I groaned with frustration.

Natalie bit her lip, knowing where this was going. She began walking faster. I noticed Kenneth looking up, then catching up with her. Great, now I'm lagging behind.

"Can you stop being so jealous, for God's sake?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in defeat, feet following their speed. Kenneth stopped abruptly and turned around to face me. I did the same. Our eyes locked.

He was breathing heavily. Like he was finding the right words to say. He finally looked away and mumbled, "I'm not jealous, okay?"

"Well then, why are you avoiding me?"

"Because," he suddenly shouted, facing me again. His eyes wandered away. "Because... I... He's so much better. His character. His features. His ability." He took a deep breath, gathering courage to look into my eyes once again. "Everything, okay, Taylor? He's the one for you. Not me. I will never be. So just shut up and get moving before your sweet, little boyfriend dies in the hands of his own creation." He then turned away, making his way to our dorms.

Natalie glanced at me. I was staring at where he stood after his actual confession. He finally admitted how he actually felt about me, and also how insecure he felt about himself and how much he had compared himself to Harry.

"Natalie!" Kenneth called.

I snapped out of my thoughts. Natalie gave me one last look before catching up with Kenneth. I took a deep breath and regained my composure. Then, I followed them.


"You have been keeping these stuff in your drawers and under your bed and your roommate never notices?" Natalie asked. She examined the jar that seemed like a normal jar but was actually a demon-trapping device.

"Well, he doesn't give a shit about me so neither do I about him." Kenneth was rummaging through a bag of equipment that seemed unfamiliar to me.

I looked around the room and noticed shards of glass on his desk. Blood stains were on it and the table too. I frowned. I was about to touch them but Kenneth's hand gripped tightly onto my arm.

"Don't touch it," he warned, eyes blazing with anger.

"Why?" I gave the shards a look again. "Did you cut yourself?" I used my other hand to flip his arm over. There were no scars. Obviously there are no scars, you idiot. Angels can heal.

"No." He yanked his arm off my grip. "What the fuck, Taylor." He was avoiding my eyes. He was definitely hiding something.

"Then, why aren't you looking at me?"

"Because," he said. "Because, Taylor... I trapped you in a jar. Not a demon-trapping. One that is able to trap any type of souls. You broke it somehow."

I didn't know whether to be angry or to be glad that he didn't hide the truth. I decided to say something else. "That doesn't explain the blood, Ken."

"Fine, I cut myself. You happy?" He rolled his eyes; eyes that never once met mine again after that confession. "Get back to finding a suitable weapon for this hunt, Swift." He continued looking through the bag. He threw a sword to me, which I caught, luckily.

"You even brought a sword?" I stroked the shiny surface of every part of the blade. I could even see my reflection on it. It was in such a good condition.

Kenneth smirked. "Well, who knows that it may be handy."


The door was unlocked.

No, it can't be.

Kenneth pushed us behind, letting himself go in first. I kept craning my neck, hoping to catch a glimpse of Harry just sitting there, smiling. That the worst possible scenario won't happen.

Kenneth pushed the door wide open.

But it did.

Camila was rocking at a corner of the room, arms wrapped around her legs, mumbling to herself.

"Camila..." I rushed in before Kenneth could take a step in.

Her eyes met mine.


I saw fear. It was part of being an angel, sensing strong emotions. This was not a good sign.

"Taylor." She grabbed onto my arm. "Louis took Harry."


i love you all so much for the almost 3K reads and 300 votes! *screams* ♡♡♡






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