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I was anxious. My heart kept beating. Will Taylor recognise me today? Like she does on alternate days? Or is it going to be different?

We didn't have classed for today because Professor Smith was absent. I kept looking down, deep in thought as I walked as quick as I can to the library. I bumped into quite a few people and apologised about five times. When I entered the library, my eyes scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of an obnoxious boy, a big bow or a, well, Natalie.

I saw the latter. Natalie was sitting alone at a table, engrossed in a book. I half-ran, half-walked to her seat.

"Hey, Nat," I greeted, placing my bag on the table. She looked up at me blankly and nodded slightly before continuing her reading. I frowned, then shrugged it off. Her obsession with books seems worse than mine.

I checked the time. 8.55am. I'm early. I sat awkwardly at the seat, unsure of what to do. I could pull out my laptop but when they come, I would be too drawn into the world of Forgotten that I can't stop my train of thoughts and they would see that I'm writing an actual story. Kenneth would probably come up with a stupid comment about it. I glanced at Natalie and noticed that she's reading a book called, "The Maze Runner".

"So... What's this book about?" I asked, smiling, hoping to look like a nice guy.

"Running in a maze," she replied, eyes never leaving the pages of the book.

"Wow... Thanks for that very very very summarised description of this book," I mumbled.

"Thanks for that very very very sarcastic reply," she retorted. She looked up from the book. "If you want to know what's it about, read this." She passed me the book after folding a corner of the page she stopped at. I turned it around and read through the summary.

"Sounds interesting," I said. She nodded in agreement. I passed the book back to her. She opened it and resumed her reading. I looked around, thinking of a topic to begin another conversation on.

I felt a pair of hands on both my shoulders. I turned around to see Camila smiling at me and she sat next to me.

"You're early!" she exclaimed.

"Not like Natalie," I told her, giving Natalie a glance. She was still deep in the world of books.

"Sorry if I'm late or whatever," I heard Kenneth say from behind. I didn't want to turn around to face him or look at him in the eye.

"It's okay." Camila looked around. "Where's Taytay?"

"I don't know. She texted me, saying she couldn't make it because she was feeling unwell."

Maybe he knows dark magic... Louis' voice echoed in my head.

Maybe he made Taylor stayed in her room because she's going to be all over me and it's going to make him jealous. Psh.

"So what's the plan for today?" Kenneth asked.

"We find out what you're hiding," I whispered to myself, looking at the table and fiddled my fingers to ignore his face.

"What did you say, Styles?" Kenneth snapped.

"What?" I finally looked into his brown eyes. "Nothing," I firmly said.

"Yeah, right." Kenneth stared deep into my eyes. "I'm sure you said something, about me hiding something." His eyes turned a certain light grey that seemed to camouflage with his pupils. I flinched. His eyes then turned back to normal. He smirked.

"Can you guys get this whole I-want-to-be-the-leader argument over with? Both of you are already main reporters," Camila scolded.

I rolled my eyes, folded my arms and slumped into my chair. Kenneth grinned, satisified.

I kept looking at him. Why, or how, did his eyes change colour? Is Louis really right? Or is it just an illusion? I must be really angry to imagine such things.

"We ask around to know which block of dorms the figures were spotted. Then, at night, we will investigate the area." Kenneth then stopped. "But Taylor isn't here to take any pictures... Damn it."

Camila raised her hand. "I can do it." I glared at her, arms still crossed. She wiggled her shoulders while saying, "I mean... Yeah... If you want to do it by today."

I grumbled under my breath.

"But Taylor will miss out the fun," Kenneth thought aloud.

I sat up. "Then, we shall do this tomorrow!" I grabbed my bag and walked towards the exit.

"Oh, I'm going to boss you guys around and tell you guys when we are going to do this stupid task. Oh, I'm the boss of every fucking thing," I mumbled under my breath.

"Harry!" Camila called.

I turned to face her. "What?!"

She stared at me. I began to apologise for shouting. She just shook it off and told me, while avoiding my eyes, "Kenneth said we would do it tonight so we could get this over with. We meet here at 9.30pm." She gave me one last look and went back inside.

I stood there.

Like an idiot.

Like I always am.

Then, I heard screaming. Loud shrieking. I looked around me, heart pounding so hard I was afraid it would explode out of my chest. The world felt like it was spinning. No one else seemed to notice it. I couldn't seem to make out where it was coming from.


That voice.



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