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We seemed like the noisest group of people to be in the library. Turns out Kenneth is a little too wild and Camila talks too much, which was a known fact to me.

"Can you guys please quiet down?" I hissed, glancing around, being really self-concious of the people staring at us.

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to convince you to be the photographer," Kenneth said sarcastically.

"For the last time, I told you, my photography skills sucks. All the photos I take are way too blurry to be even understood. I can show examples." I dug out my phone from my pocket and showed him all the pictures I ever took. He kept scrolling through my camera roll and I began to panick. My arm was outstretched, ready to grab my phone from him but Kenneth leant backwards so I couldn't reach it. He started laughing.

"Oh my god! Harry took a selfie!" He started showing Taylor and Camila the picture. Taylor giggled. Camila stifled a laugh.

"That fetus hair though," Camila said, smiling uncontrollably.

"Stop it!" I warned him. He somehow managed to avoid wherever I was trying to attack him so as to get back my phone. Natalie, who was sitting beside Kenneth, then snatched it from him when the phone was being hidden right next to her, somewhere I couldn't reach.

She passed it to me and continued her reading. Kenneth frowned. "What the hell, Nat." I instead thanked her. She just nodded slightly, eyes glued to the book.

"Whatever. I'm going to be main reporter, period," Kenneth said.

"Why can't I be main reporter? Why must you be it?" I asked. I was sick of seeing him being so proud of his own writing abilities. It sickens me to the core.

I was so tempted to yell in his face, "Just because you think your writing skills are the best among the five of us, doesn't mean you really are. You are not heaven-made. You are not perfect in every aspect. Why can't you let others work with you? Do you think the king works alone to rule his kingdom? He has people alongside him. Why not have two main reporters? Why not me? I can write better than I bet, not to be proud or anything. Like you are. But for your information, I have a really successful book that even our Professor likes. What do you have to say about that?"

I was just so tempted to but I had to keep it in because I had to keep the image of polite, goodie-two-shoes Styles so I said, "You know what? Fine. You want to do it your own, then have it your way." I leant back in my chair. Camila bit her lip and patted my back, hoping to calm me down. But it wasn't going to work.

Kenneth didn't say anything. He just sat at his seat and stared at me blankly. For a minute or so, no words were exchanged, only air. It was the most silent moment since a few minutes ago.

Taylor finally spoke up, hands which had fingers interlocked, gently hitting her notepad, pen in her hand. "So... Photographer? Editor?"

"I want to be editor," Natalie said. It surprised me because it seemed like this was the first time she ever spoke so loudly and clearly.

"Er... Wow, sure." It seemed to have shocked Taylor too. Kenneth however seemed unaffected and had his arms crossed in front of his chest, staring down at the table. I couldn't tell if he was angry or simply thinking.

"Camila?" Taylor asked.

"Editor, too." Camila gave Natalie a smile. Natalie returned it. Looks like they became best friends after that mini conversation before our arrival at the library.

"Harry?" Taylor asked, glancing at me. I didn't want to meet her eyes. I kept quiet. I definitely don't want to be a photographer, considering how poor my skills of being one is.

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