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"Happy Birthday, Lordes!" Tessa said as she came over to the teen who had her back faced towards her. "Lordes?"

"Huh?" She quietly said as she turned and faced Tessa. Tessa then saw that the girl's eyes were bloodshot red. "Lordes, what's wrong?"


"Lordes, please. Something's clearly wrong and I want to know what." 'Well, there was no talking out of this one!' Lordes thought to herself before she sighed and Tessa sat next to her.

"Well, if you heard it from Cade, I lost my parents to Cemetery Wind. This would be the first birthday I have without my family. And then I had this was.." Lordes couldn't finish because she started sobbing quietly. Tessa rubbed the teen's back as Lordes broke down. Tessa felt bad. She had her family, but Lordes didn't. She wouldn't want to know how that feels.

"Well, have a family." Tessa started causing Lordes to look up from her lap. "You got us, you have the Autobots. You can't say you're completely alone."

Lordes nodded with a smile before Cade and Shane approached the girls.

"So you finally turned 9, huh?" Cade said with a smirk as Lordes rolled her eyes.

"Technically, I'm 9 years old living in a 15 year old body, Cade."

"Yeah, don't rush it, kid." We all started laughing before Optimus approached all of them in his bot form.

"We must depart now. Bumblebee has picked up Cemetery Wind's GPS signal and are making their way here." Lordes nodded before everyone began to move. Tessa went to pack up the gear while Cade and Shane loaded up Hound with the heavy artillery.

"I'll hold them off. You guys get as far away from here as you can."

"No, Lordes."

"Optimus, you need to get them out of here. They will kill you if you stay. I'll. Hold. Them. Off." Lordes acknowledged before she flew off, hearing Optimus call after her as she did.

"So..before we begin, anyone want to turn around?" Lordes whispered to herself as she looked at the approaching vehicles. "Guess not."

Lordes shot straight at them, her body flaming up as she did, before she crashed into one of the cars, causing it to explode. The vehicles tried to swerve out of the way but Lordes only blasted them.

"Fire at will!" One of the men shouted before gunfire ripped. Thanks to the abilities, Lordes was bulletproof so she smirked softly as she watched the men try so hard to shoot her down.

When she realized they ran out of bullets, she crossed her arms and said, "That tickled. A lot." She blasted at the remaining before hearing sirens.

She quickly glowed down and flew off before the police could get there.


"Where is she?! I swear that girl wants nothing but trouble to come to her. Although, she is helping us get to safety." Raquel said to Cade as they waited for Lordes to come back.

"I don't know, Raquel, but she should be here any minute now." As if on cue, Lordes landed next to Optimus and quickly hopped in, in the process.

"We have to go now. Police are on their way here. I saw they about a couple miles south." Lordes quickly said as she looked at the two adults.

"Alright, let's go then."

KILL 'EM WITH KINDNESS | OPTIMUS PRIMEWhere stories live. Discover now