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Hikari was now a ways away from the village. There was something not very far from here, it looked like a small fire. It had 3 men around it and some sort of stone table.

"Finally we get to slaughter the pig Uchiha" one of them snickered and walked up to me squeezing my face

"Don't touch my face you ass whipe" now I know what your thinking. Why would you say that to your kidnappers, but this is hikari we are talking about.

He snatched a fist full of her hair pulling her face towards him.

"Watch your mouth little girl, you aren't in the best positing right now. Use your brain"

Well if she was gonna die, might as well go out swinging. She kicked him in the groan and then pushing him to the ground with her foot.
She didn't last long before they had her pinned her her arms behind her back. Someone was pushing her face into the ground which hurt her nose.

"You little bitch" he got out a knife

"Put her on the table"

Hikari tried to fight but the second she thought she wiggled just a little free they held her tighter.
She now laid on her back with someone holding her arms above her head so hard it felt like they were about to snap. Then 3 people held down her legs because she kept a kicking.

He looked at her and sneered

All she could say was "why"

He laughed "your kind is dangerous"

"My kind"

"Senju and a Uchiha, do u know what that means, not only have you soiled our blood but you lose a threat just by being alive"

She didn't say anything until he held the knife up ready to pierce her abdomen

"I'm gonna gut you" he laughed

He kept teasing her, going to stab her but stopping right before it punctured

She wasn't crying, she wasn't begging, she was just thinking. For some reason it felt like she could feel Kakashi. But she knew no one was looking for her. No one even knew something was wrong. They wouldn't until she didn't show up for training.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when he ever so slightly slid the tip of the blade along her skin

She bit her lip as blood flowed the cut

She was going to die here. Her life didn't amount to anything and she swore that if she ever got a second chance she'd take it by the horns. Ya know how people say "make life your bitch" well that's what she'd do.

He cut her again. And again. And again

They were all laughing.

"This was fun and all but we've really got to be going"

He held the knife up and struck as hard as he could but a Kunai came out of nowhere and the knife went flying out his hand. Hikari didn't move. Her abdomen was bleeding, her thighs, her upper arms. She heard one go down. And then two more. Then another. Then the final one fall.
Her arms still laid above her head. I guess you could say she was in too much shock to move. She felt someone pick her up bridal style and then jump. She was now being carried back to her village. She was too scared to open her eyes but she knew who it was


Kakashi x OC book oneWhere stories live. Discover now