Good bye

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Not too long after that day it was time for Hikari to leave. She fell in love with kakashi and promised herself when she got back or the next time she ever saw him she would confess. She would miss Kushina having her baby so she made kakashi promise to watch over her and their son. His name was going to be naruto, which she loved because she loved naruto in her ramen.

Something was different with kakashi. He seemed like he was distant from everyone, including Hikari. It was probably him feeling sad about her leaving. They promised to send each other letters though, and Kushina was going to send her a picture of naruto as soon as she could.

Now she was training with Tsunade. She didn't go easy on her at all. Which was weird. Everyone seemed to give Hikari some sort of special treatment, it was like being snapped back to reality.

"If you keep the same light training everyday you won't get better. Now come on hikari push yourself!"

Sweat was running down her face burning her eyes. She was finishing her third set of one hundred push ups.

"GOOD! Keep going!" Tsunade stood over her with her arms crossed. "After this you will run until I tell you to stop. Keep up, you know the rules."

When she finished she shot up and began to run with Tsunade. Her breathing was forced and her lungs burned.


Hikari tried her hardest to pace her breathing, eventually it got better. She loved how it kept her mind off stuff so she didn't say a word she just listened. She pushed herself extra hard as a way of punishment. Tsunade praises her for the hard word.

Before she knew it running was over, they ran for hours on and off. But hikari didn't want to stop.

"What's next Tsunade sensei"

Tsunade crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Hikari then finally saying "I won't hold back this time. Now you will try and dodge all my attacks. Understood."

Hikari couldn't even finish nodding her head before Tsunade was in the air aiming a kick at her, which she barely blocked. The ground crumbled and Hikari looked stunned. She never saw Tsunade so strong. She had to blink away flying debris.Without warning Tsunade leaned forward sending a blow into Hikaris stomach, which made her fly back hitting a tree.


Hikari struggled to get up, not saying anything. She liked the pain. It almost helped the pain she felt inside.

After 18 minutes Hikari was letting her anger out. She sent chakra to her fists and landed a hit on Tsunade. Tsunade looked at her then shook her head, "you're getting there not bad."

Finally they were boxing. Hikari loved the feeling she got when she heard the punch.

"You're improving incredibly fast. Now I want to teach you something alright hikari. Sit down"

They both sat down cross legged.

"I want you to infuse chakra into your forehead"

"Huh? Why?"

She pointed at the diamond on her forehead. "Hikari uchiha you are my subordinate and I'm going to teach you my ultimate jutsu. This isn't something you learn over night though. You will need to constantly infuse your chakra for three years. However your normal chakra will become increasingly low. So from now on that is what we train for."

Hikari blinked. That sounded like a lot of work, was it even worth it. She wanted to be strong but could she even achieve that.

For the next few weeks hikari broke the infusion countless times, on her final try it stayed.

Tsunade was teaching her the secrets to her monster strength. Hikari pulled her arm back to punch a rock but collapsed onto it instead.


Tsunade ran over to her.

"You've hit your limit you need to rest now. Focus on what I told you. See the seal and watch your chakra slowly pour into it. Focus on that for awhile."

Hikari did as she asked. She sat down and put her hands together closing her eyes. She did the breathing Tsunade told her to practice and it made things easier. It was easy for her to check out now. Tsunade made her do this for three hours a day. There was now a pool marked with "hundred years seal", Her chakra pool filled it with drops.

Three hours later she was ready to train again. Tsunade notes how good at Taijutsu she was so she taught her a chakra enhanced version of it.

Her strength was increasing day by day, so fast it even alarmed Tsunade.

Hiakri's knuckles were scarred over now, from injuring her hand multiple times. Punching rocks, trees, and the ground wasn't exactly light work.

Tsunade worked her like a dog, working on medical ninjutsu, poison extraction, chakra control, conditioning, and the hundred year seal took everything from her. The one thing that motivated her were her letters from kakashi. He would tell her how everyone was doing. Obito and rin ended up breaking up. Kakashi didn't know why, or atleast he didn't tell her why. He would tell her things about how he was, how he missed her, how everyone missed her. She would tell him how hard she was working, how she missed everyone, even about the smallest things like a new scar. But she never told him about how she felt on the inside. Hikari was going crazy. She despised her new eye ability. She never used it, even when Tsunade yelled at her for it. But kakashi was mastering his. Kushina was getting big, everyone was excited. Kakashi was assigned to watch her her. She was close to her due date though. Hikari was so excited but still sad she wouldn't be there to see him.

Tsunade let her stop training early. They were both starving so they couldn't wait to eat.

As she ate she thought about kakashi. As time went by he seemed to be showing her more affection threw the letters. But he did keep some things very vague. She didn't pry though. She was in love with him, completely in love. It was the one thing that could take the weight of the world off her shoulders. Sometimes it actually felt like her life was over, but kakashi kept her going. When she reads his letters it all makes sense and for a moment she can breathe. She decided to write him a letter, about everything she felt. She needed to let someone in, she couldn't take it much anymore.

Dear kakashi

Training is so brutal right now. But I love the feeling I get when my training pays off. The other day she made me read a huge stack of books, and today she made me read 18 scrolls. It's helpful when I want to take my mind off things. Sometimes the memories hurt so bad I just wanna lay down and play dead till they leave. The other day Tsunade yelled at me for not using my Sharingan, but I can't. When I use it I am standing beside their open caskets and I'm reminded that everyone I know will someday die. I'm not afraid of the dark thoughts anymore, which is my biggest problem. Some times I don't want to get out of bed, but I always do. Sometimes I'm locked in my head. I have a lot of anxiety about the people around me getting hurt, especially you. I wish I didn't feel sad and scared at the same time. It's like that time That girl from the academy invited her cousin to the graduation party and the party was a disaster. I think I'm a party like that, and my anxiety is the distant cousin to my depression. I am a party I don't want to be at. But some days I can't even sleep. I dream about them. That's the one thing Tsunade isn't hard on me for. She's always there when I have those nightmares. I can't help it, insomnia makes the moon feel like perfect company. I'm terrified to sleep. I can hear Minori's pleads to live ring in my ears, reminding me I'm walking on an ocean of happiness I cannot baptism myself in. I am not afraid of dying anymore kakashi, I am afraid of living. Tell everyone I said hey and that I miss them. I really needed to talk about it and I trust you the most. You mean the world to me.

With that she closed it and signed it. When she finally sent it her hands shook. For some reason she was scared. But this was kakashi we are talking about. He loves her and cares more than anyone right.

Kakashi x OC book oneWhere stories live. Discover now