The shell of who she used to be

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She had blood all over her. She looked down at akane. Her hair was matted and filled with blood and gore. In a way part of her died for her to survive. She loved Minori and akane, for as long as she could remember they were all she had. She took them for granted. She always knew one day they would all die, she just didn't think it would be today. She wanted them to be super cool old ladies together.

What hurt worse. The memories or knowing what would never happen. In some universe they were all alive right now, she'd tear herself apart to get there. The ninja who took their lives will never understand just what they stole from her.

They made her feel a little more alive and a little less lost. The thought of training without out them made her shake even more. The thought of never seeing them again made her sobs escape louder from her. The thought of her not doing more to help them made a ear piercing scream come from her.

It was filled with pain and anger

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It was filled with pain and anger. Her throat burned and she screamed until she couldn't anymore. She did die with them, she was nothing more than the shell of the girl she used to be. There are plenty of ways to die, but only one can kill you and keep you alive just to feel it. That's what those ninja did to her.

Its never safe to run into something without a plan. It's never safe to over work yourself past chakra exhaustion. It's never safe to give a fuck about someone. It's never safe to take everything from someone and leave them alive.

She held onto their hands now. She sat there shaking moving back and forth. Her sobs were now quiet and her lips quivered.


"Hikari where are you!"

"Akane! Minori!"

"We got rin! Obito too! He's badly injured!"

She heard rin, Minato sensei and kakashi.

She didn't move or say anything. She heard them not too far away from her, behind her to be exact.

"There she is! She has Minori and akane!" The excitement in rins voice made her heart throb even more

She ran right behind her then came to a sudden stop, hands shooting to her mouth.

"Oh my god."

The words leaving rins mouth made hikari shake even more, but she still did not make a sound she just held their hands tighter.

Minato ran to them, he put an arm in front of rin telling her to back up when he saw the condition hikari was in.

"Hikari, what happened."


He reached his hand out to touch her, when she didn't flinch he grabbed her shoulder.

"Hikari snap out of it."


"You need to let them go, we need to go"

She half yelled half sobbed out a "no! Don't touch them, don't touch me! I'm not leaving them here."

Minato backed up. "Tell me what happened."

"I- I ran here to find them... they were.. they were looking for you. When I got there Minori was in front of akane. A ninja stopped me from going to them. I watched them die. It's my fault" she shook violently with her sobs. Her head felt as if it was about to split open. She was exhausted.

Kakashi was now kneeling in front of her, when he saw her eyes he gasped.

"Sensei! Hikari unlocked the-"

"I know kakashi"

Her eyes locked with his and he watched as she desperately tried to stop a sob escape her lips.

Kakashi slipped his hands between hers and her teammates, taking her arms and wrapping them around him.

"I can't leave them!" She chocked out

"We aren't going to leave them I promise. I'm going to teleport you, kakashi, and rin to where Seiko and Obito is. Then I'll come back for them."

"P-promise me"

"I promise."

She couldn't stand on her own, so kakashi hoisted her up having her wrap her legs around him.

He tried not to look at her teammates laying lifeless on the ground

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He tried not to look at her teammates laying lifeless on the ground. When he thought Obito died it was unbearable, he wanted to take the pain from her but the intensity of it terrified him.

Rin walked over to him and Minato teleported them. Instantly he went back, keeping his promise. He wouldn't be back for awhile.

Seiko shot up

"What happened? Where are they!" She frantically looked at hikari. "Hikari answer me!" The blood all over her made Seiko want to throw up. "Where is Minato."

When she realized what happened she didn't cry, she just sat down and didn't talk for a long time. Kakashi sat down with her on his lap. His shoulder was soaked from her tears. The shaking almost stopped, like her sobs. She felt numb. The only thing keeping her from going crazy was Her focusing on kakashi. She took a deep breath and named one thing she could see. She could see kakashi. She took a deep breath and named one thing she could hear. She could hear his heartbeat, it was fast. She took a deep breath and named one thing she could smell. She smelled kakashi. It was his natural smell mixed with out doors and sweat. Then she named one thing she could feel. Well she felt two things. One, kakashi rubbing soothing circles on her back. Two, empty.
she clutched the fabric oh his shirt and snapped back into reality. He was waiting for her to breakdown again but she didn't.


His eyes widened, "I'm right here"

"I wanna go home"

Rin was sitting next to a passed out Obito. Seiko was sitting in the same spot, not moving once.

He ran his fingers threw her hair. "When Minato sensei gets back we'll go, okay?"

Kakashi now has the Sharingan, Obito now has the Sharingan , and so does hikari.

"My head hurts"

"It won't last long. It's temporary." He held her closer.

She was ashamed for breaking down like she did. She was embarrassed for crying. She didn't want to ever cry during a battle.

She nodded closing her eyes. Drifting off into sleep

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