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Kushina walked over with a picnic basket. After her and Obito had an argument it was hikari's turn to piss her off.

"You should be getting your rest!" Kushina pointed a finger in her face

"No I don't I'm not even tired" hikari swatted her hand away

"You can't fool me with this tough facade"

" wasn't trying to" she stuck her tongue out

"I just yelled at Obito for acting tough don't make me yell at you too!"

Hikari poured and crossed her arms

"How do you expect to be a good ninja if you can't even take care of yourself. Part of being a ninja is eating right and getting plenty of rest."

Kushina handed Hikari a race ball


She snatched it and sat down leaning on a tree. She waited for them to look away before she started eating. She could hear them talking about their training.

"Kakashi you shouldn't use that jitsu when sparring with your comrades. It's too dangerous. Especially when you haven't mastered it yet" Minato said before taking another bite of his food.

"You said we needed to be prepared to kill"

"Prepared to kill me, not hikari"

She piped in "like I keep saying, he wouldn't of killed me!"

"How would you know"

She locked eyes with the hatake, took a few moments to think and said
"Alright then after lunch, you and me. We are gonna settle this"

His eyes indicated that he was smiling "bet"

"Big bet"

"Bigger bet"

"Biggest bet"

"Do you always need the last word"


Kushina was right, she was tired. Especially after training, she wasn't ready to fight again. Sitting there felt so peaceful. She felt her eyes slowly close and her head tilt to the side

"DID SHE JUST FALL ASLEEP?" Akane blurted our

"Shhh, don't be so loud. We can continue with out her" Seiko said

"Well I'm tired too ya know, why can't we sleep too"

Seiko shot her a glare that answered her question

Time skip 3 hours-

Hikari woke up to see them training without her and Kushina sitting by her reading.

"Good afternoon"

"How long was I asleep"

"Awhile. Told you, you needed some rest"

Hikari didn't argue. Kakashi looked over at her and crossed his arms

" nice way to chicken out. You know if you were too scared to fight me you could of just said so"

She glared at him "In your dreams!"
She shot up. "I'm ready let's go!"

Before she could run over there Kushina grabbed her arm

"You shouldn't push yourself so much hikari, you've already used up a lot of chakra"

She pouted "so did everyone else"

"Everyone else has had more practice than you. They have better stamina"

She grabbed her arm back "oh yeaaa, well watch me"

Kakashi x OC book oneWhere stories live. Discover now