Part 1

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"5, 6, 7, 8.
Kick, prep, pirouette,
5, pose, pose, pose"
The entire class was utterly talentless. It's thoroughly remarkable how offbeat they are.
"Do you want me to go over it one more time or should we try it from the top?"
Dead silence. The fact that this bunch has theatrical aspirations was laughable.
"From the top it is!"
Keeping enthusiasm was probably the worst part of the whole class. The rest of the class went by just th e same, lackluster and tedious. The hour was finally up.
"See you all next week. Practice!" The ex professor was finally alone in the studio.
"Alexa, play a chorus line soundtrack" Hidgens took a breath.
"Right, let's do the whole combination facing away from the mirror. From the top! a  5,  6,  7,  8!" Henry mouthed the words along.
It felt good to dance through the soundtrack; therapeutic really.
"Give me somebody to dance for,
Give me somebody to show,
Let me wake up in the morning to find
I have somewhere exciting to go!"
This song has become second nature to Henry. He just moved with the song reciting each lyrics like they were his own musings.
"Give me a chance to come through!" Henry screamed out,
"All I ever needed was the music and the mirror,
And the chance to dance..."
The music cut out from under him. All the energy suddenly dissipated.
"Oh shit. I'm sorry I knocked the cable out. I'll plug it back in." A familiar voice called out fro near the speaker system.
Turning towards the source of the voice Henry found Ted. One of Emma's friends from Hatchetfeild. Hidgens had seen Paul and Emma many times since "the incident" but Ted just wasn't around.
"Ted? Is that you? Why are you in my studio."
"Well the lady at the front said you were in here. She said you weren't busy."
"You could have knocked." Hidgens patience was thinning.
"I did knock! I don't think you could hear me though that music was really loud."
"Ted what do you want?"
"Oh I Well umm I was just wondering if you could uh teach me to dance and sing."
Henry was taken a back. Ted's face had gone red.
"You know I have classes right? You can sign up for one of them."
"I'd uh prefer if no one really knew about this. Could you do like a one on one kind of class."
"Oh ok.  I should have a free slot tomorrow at 7 if that works for you."
"That'da be great. Thanks professor"
"Don't call me professor please. I gave up that title."
"Ok, well thank you Henry." Ted shyly smiled then timidly left the studio.
Here was alone again with the music and the mirror.  He was excited. He had no idea why but he was.

From the top! TedXHidgensWhere stories live. Discover now