Part 4

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Ted forgot to ask what he should wear. So he kinda just grabbed the most athletic looking clothing in his dresser. This is probably fine.
"Good afternoon Ted," Henry was already there waiting for him in the studio. Ted wasn't late he was early. Henry couldn't have been waiting that long, right?
"Yo," really classy Ted. What a fucking Casanova.
"I should have asked this yesterday. How much dance experience do you have exactly?"
"That would be a solid none." No point in lying.
"Ok, did you stretch before you got here?"
That's a thing? You're supposed to stretch? Ted you look like a dumbass.
"Uhhhhhh, yes." Yes Ted lie to the man with a doctorate. Dumbass.
"Ok, Just watch me and do what I do. Alexa, play warm up playlist." He looked right through Ted's lie.
These are stretches? Hidgens is practically making himself a pretzel! How the fuck is Ted supposed to do that.
"Ok for this stretch you're gonna need to lay on your back and put your legs up against the wall." Henry stopped stretching himself. Ted did what Henry said.
"Ok now you're gonna spread your legs."
"Hey, at least take me to dinner first." Ha. That's a good one. Henry then fucking knocks Ted's legs down so he falls into the splits. He was easily doing middle splits, easily.
"Hey you're hips are actually relatively flexible considering you dance experience."
Ted winked up at Henry who was standing over him. That was a weird thing to do. Maybe he shouldn't have done that. Wait, is Henry blushing? That's some cute shit Ted wasn't really prepared for. Henry then starting pushing down on Ted's leg to they went farther down. That's some painful shit right there. Ted fell off the wall.
"Ow what the fuck" Why did he do that?
"Sorry about that, I just wanted to push you to go farther." Bullshit.
"Yeah whatever. Are we done with stretching yet?" It feels like they had been stretching forever.
"Just about. Are your legs ok?" That was nice of Henry to ask.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Ok so we are going to start with the basics of ballet. Most dancing that you will do will incorporate these basics. First of all I'm going to need you to adjust your posture. Your slouching a little."
Ted adjusted his posture. Much better. Henry looked troubled. Isn't this correct?
"Do you mind if I?" Henry then put his hands on Ted's shoulders. Ted tried not to tense up. "Now straighten your pack and tuck in your tailbone."
What the fuck is a tailbone? Fucking biology professors and their fucking Anatomy words.
"My tailbone?"
"Stop sticking your ass out."
"that's the first time I've been told to do that!" That wasn't the smoothest one there, Ted.
"What... I don't even... ok whatever." Hidgens is kind of oblivious wow. HE'S FLIRTING WITH YOU DUMBASS!
"This is very uncomfortable" Ted was in proper posture now.
"You'll get used to it." This is how Henry usually stands,huh. They don't say beauty is pain for nothing! "Ok now we're going to go over ballet positions."
"Oh I know all about positions." Wow that was a line, not a good one granted, but a line.
"I feel like these are getting progressively worse." Henry's right. Hidgens renters teacher mode. "Watch me carefully. This is first position... this is second position ... third... fourth... and fifth. Do you understand?"
Wait, uhhhh.
"Uh wait does my left foot also go in front at one point or is it just all in the right?" Dance is so weird.
And Henry is laughing at Ted now, great. This is just great.
"Sorry That was a stupid fucking question." And now Ted looks insecure, even better.
"No no I'm glad you're asking questions" Henry smiled sweetly. He thinks Ted's a dumbass. Great.
Just focus on dance. That's the reason Ted came here, dance and that's it. No other reasons. Yup.
"Well I guess class is over. Weird it feels like class just started." Ted read the clock in disbelief. Damn
"Time flies."
"Hey Henry you have any classes after this? You wanna grab some food? I'm fucking starving."
"I'd love to!" Henry smiled at Ted.
Ted did it! ... He didn't used the word date. I mean it's not a "date". It's just like time to catch up. Yeah not a date.

Authors note: hey I just want to apologize for my writing style being all over the place. I usually write these in the middle of the night and they end up scattered. Thanks for reading btw!

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