Part 5

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Ted brought Henry into a diner that was only a few blocks from the dance studio. North Side Diner was illuminated on the sign with flickering lights. A diner... cool.
"Hey Rosie! Booth for two." Ted was chatting with an older waitress. "How's Finn?" It's almost like he forgot that Henry was there. "Wow it's been a while. It's nice catching up Rose." Ted the led Hidgens to a corner booth at the far wall.
"Aren't they supposed to seat us?" What really is proper diner etiquette? Is there any?
"Oh no no no. You see I always sit here. Best table in the restaurant. See you can see the whole diner from here. We are right next to the kitchen door so the food is basically straight into our mouths. Since I am basically family to the staff here if I see anyone I don't like enter I can duck into the kitchen and wait it out." That was a long winded explanation for I eat here a lot.
"Thanks for that Ted talk." Henry chuckled. Ted smirked. Better than no response.
The booth cushions had very little lumbar support which is not an outright problem but definitely an inconvenience. The floor is sticky. Why is it the floor is always sticky in places like this. Y'know this is exactly the kind of place he imagined Ted hanging around. The place did have its charms however. The menu did not have the most diverse of food options: The standard burgers, fries, and shakes.
"What should I get?" Ted is the expert of this restaurant, he would know what to order.
"Oh you sweet simple man. You don't order from the menu at NSD." You don't order from the menu??? "Just trust me on this one."
"Well you are the expert in this case. So why did you invite me here." Better make small talk
"Well you are the only other hatchetfeilder who I haven't really caught up with. You're also the most interesting out of the 'survivor' out of all of us." Ted put air quotes around the word survivor. Something tells me this meal will not be all small talk.
The most interesting? That's quite generous.
"We could have discussed this at the studio." Henry did not like diners but it's good to make an effort with people.
"Well we spent time in your natural habitat and now we're gonna spend some time in mine, Mr. Biology." Ted did seem very comfortable here for some reason. "Speaking of which, we need music pronto!" Ted's eyes fell on the jukebox. He strutted to the machine like he owned the building. He put on a tune and sat back down at our table.
A jazzy tune started to play. Hidgens immediately recognized the tune. It's odd Ted didn't really seem like a Frank Sinatra kind of guy, more a foo fighters kind of guy. Not that Henry is complaining.
"Now we are in my natural habitat." Ted smiled at Hidgens. He seems content.
The woman Ted was talking to earlier came up to our table.
"The usual Ted?"
"You know me so well Rosie!" Ted smiled at the waitress.
"And for your date?" Rosie nodded over at Henry still talking to Ted like Henry couldn't speak a word of English. How charming. Wait did she say date?
"He'll have the same." Ted looked up at Hidgens and winked and mouthed the words "trust me." Hidgens face warmed up.
The waitress walked away and the two men were alone to chat once again.
"Did she call me your date?" Henry tried to play it off like he didn't care.
"Oh what's so wrong with that Henry?" Ted smirked, "Rosie just wants me to stop being single."
"Oh ok cool." Wow really slick there Hidgens.
"So whats up with you? Why are you teaching dance and not biology, Sir Doctorate." Ted leaned in with curiosity.
"Well I suppose it just takes a near death experience to put everything in perspective." Henry relaxed a little and zoned out, "I want to do what I truly love. I had some friends way back when that always encouraged me to pursue theatre. I'm finally taking their advice."
When Henry snapped back into reality he saw Ted staring back at him. Ted nodded.
"So what are you doing these days, Ted?" Henry should stop making this about himself.
"Well I've gone back into the riveting field of accounting. Really it's incredible to go from the fucking apocalyptic destruction of the city you call home to sitting at a desk and working with numbers." Ted didn't go any further than that.
Then the food arrived. Hidgens took a polite bite out of the burger in front of him. Holy shit what. This isn't a burger, no way.
"I told you to trust me." Ted smiled at Hidgens.
"What's in this." Henry managed between bites.
"It's a secret." Ted smirked and took a bite out of his own burger.
They got through the food very quickly. Hardly any words spoken between bites.
"So on the note of the whole date thing," the check had just been taken. "How would you like to hit up a bar and get drunk with yours truly?" Ted smirked.
How the fuck does one respond to that kind of question?
"I'm not really a bar person. But getting drunk sounds delightful."
Rosie brought Ted's card back.
"I have booze at my place" Ted stood up
"Sounds perfect!" What the fuck are you doing Hidgens.
"Rosie you've been a doll" Ted kissed her cheek, "Follow me sir." Ted led Henry out of the pleasant stick jazz filled diner and into the cold night.

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