Try a little harder

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Sometimes I genuinely question my existence on this planet, wondering whether I was created for some other place, so different from ours; a place where people love more and hurt less; a place where humans neglect the urge to wrap themselves up in their own selfish desires; a place where mankind actually values the meaning of existence; a place where people pick life over death.

I woke up this morning to multiple notifications from the news apps I have on my phone, only to find war smeared across innocence; blood and rubble clung to little bodies like the ghosts of murdered mothers. I woke up this morning only to be confronted by the sound of abandoned children crying, yet again. This sight of death that surrounds our world like a mist in Grand Banks of Newfoundland, "stains" the headlines of the news.

Perhaps I should delete the apps and live in my own little bubble, like plenty of the obvious fuckers in the world, where they stupidly choose to believe every tragedy that happens is staged, an imaginative horror story created by the media. Especially school shootings, as if anyone would ever fucking fake kids dying. How anyone can be so unaware of the reality they fucking live in, is truly beyond me.

But this cacophonous sound that's all over the fucking news is way too real to just ignore.

Even for the morons that choose to look the other way.

Do you know what that sound is?
I bet you do. It's too familiar to all of us.

That's a cry from humanity, telling us to get off our asses and try a little harder, for everyone's sake.

My heart goes out to every Muslim in New Zealand and anyone that is affected by the horrible news of the mosque shootings in Christ church. This is an absolutely abhorrent attack against an innocent community...
The vitriol that islamophobia has spewed out has created a hostile and dangerous place for Muslims and that's terrifying. They don't deserve to live in fear. The terrorist (because that's what he fucking is, not a gunman, not a shooter), who shot up two mosques and killed 50 people, traumatized 34, 12 of which are in critical condition and amongst them a 4 year old little girl, did so for two reasons: because he is racist fuck & because he was craving the fame. So we shouldn't give him that. I won't post his name or share his face. The terrorist shall be as unknown as possible, a nameless, faceless nobody. This pathetic excuse of a human being is truly evil & doesn't deserve to have his name known. Instead I was going to share the names of those he killed but the list is yet to be published publicly. My condolences to everyone who has lost or had a loved one harmed due to this insensible and horrifying tragedy.


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