Chapter 38 - Thinking

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"I'm getting better at this," Gidget remarked, surprised about how well she was doing climbing up the fire escape now. Reaching the rooftop, she padded over to the shed. Opening the door, she found Tiberius already awake. He had a thoughtful look on his face that also seemed somewhat sad. "Oh, hey Gidget..." he mumbled softly, noticing that the fluffy white Pomeranian had arrived to his home. Padding over to her best friend, Gidget responded, "Hey there. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just..." Tiberius tried to speak but his words kept getting caught in his throat when he talked. Taking a deep breath, he looked Gidget in the eye silently. Returning the gaze, Gidget sensed there was something he wanted to tell her. And she thought it might have something to do with the tiny scar on his right eye. He just lacked the confidence to say something. Stretching her paw forward, she placed it on his foot reassuringly. Her heart pounded when she did that.

Using all his will to make sure his tail didn't fan out, Tiberius sighed before continuing, "Gidget, there's something I want to show you." Tail wagging, Gidget yipped, "Alright." She wondered what it was. Exiting the shed, she climbed up on his shoulders. Once she was settled, Gidget hung on tight as Tiberius took to the air.

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