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  I got on the bus, to the outskirts of town to my absolute favourite diner in the world.  My parents were on a buisness trip, like always.  It wasn't a place anyone would expect to find me.  I sat at the table I always sat at in the back corner.  It wasn't a very big diner. 

"What the fuck?" Michael said standing in front of the table.

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying to quickly wipe the tears from my face to not show Michael that I was weak or I needed him.

He shrugged. "Eating."

"Why didn't you tell me Andrew was cheating on me."

I asked looking at Michael.  who put his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.

He shrugged again. "Didn't have anything to do with me.  We're not friends." He said slowly.

I cleared my throat and nodded.

I really needed someone right now. "You're right we're not." I responded looking down at the menu.  Swallowing the fact that I really needed a friend right now.

Michael nodded slowly that wasn't the answer he was expecting.

"Have a good night Danielle." He said leaving the diner.

I have no one. 


The next few days at school were rough.  There were rumours flying left, right and centre about me and Andrews break up, none of which are the truth.  If you've ever seen the movie Easy A, that just about sums up my high school life at the moment. Andrew started the rumour that i hooked up with some 20 something year old over the summer and it was too much for him and that's why he had to end it with me.  It wasn't true at all, but he's the most popular boy in school; his lies can become truths in people's minds in seconds.  I sat alone at lunch, usually in the halls so I didn't have to look at the hockey team or Andrew with his new hook up.

And then there was Michael, who gave me the cold shoulder during French, not to mention that we haven't even started our French project with a week left to go, but if there was a list of my priorities right now that would be at the absolute bottom right now.  My world just came crashing down in seconds and I had nothing to pick up the pieces with.

It was just a normal Wednesday, I sat down in front of my locker in the middle of the abandonned hallway and took out my lunch.  I heard footsteps approaching, so I put in my headphones.  Music has kind of been my saving grace these past few days.

I started playing All Time Low's "Jasey Rae" (A.N. play this now if you have it) which has become one of my favourite songs of all time. 

I pulled out my peanut butter and nutella sandwhich.  I took a bit and just as I did, a pair of beat up all black converse stopped in front of me.

I looked up and found a familiar face that I could not pin a name to.  He has blonde hair that was spiked only in the front, and he had bright blue eyes that could drown you in a second.  He dressed kind of like Michael.  And that's how I recognized him.  I don't remember his name but this is one of Michael's friends.

I pulled out my left earbud, and raised my eyebrows at him

"Hi.  It's Danielle right?" He asked questioning.

"Umm yea...." I said wiping my hands and swallowing the bite I took.

"Can I sit with you?" He asked pointing to the empty spot that was in front of me.

I shrugged.  I haven't eaten lunch with someone in a long time.

"What are you listening to?" He asked curiously pulling out a tupperware of grapes out of his batman lunchbox.

"You probably don't know it." I said pausing the music and removing it from my ear.

"I bet I do." He said smirking looking up at me.

I sighed. "Jasey Rae, by All time Low?" I suggested.


I chuckled and nodded. "I agree."

"I'm Luke by the way."

"You already know my name but it's nice to meet you Luke."

He smiled and popped a grape into his mouth.

"So I heard what went down with your boyfriend and you.  Total bullshit those people start." He said shaking his head.

I nodded. "Yea.  None if it is true, in case you were wondering."

"Oh no I wasn't.  I know it's not." He said finishing his grapes and putting the container in his lunchbox.

"What do you mean you know it's not"

"I mean I know what really happend."

I'm guessing Michael.

"Michael?" I suggested.

He nodded in reply

"He's been all about defending your honour." He said taking abit out of a green apple.

"He has?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yea.  We were in English and some chicks in front of us were talking about you and he told them off.  Got really heated about it too." He said taking another bite of his apple.

"But he hates me." I said quietly.

"Yea kinda." He admitted.

"Thanks Luke." I replied laughing.

"Well you did kind of call him a drug dealer, and he doesn't usually hold grudges but there's something different about you."

"Well I didn't mean it like that, honestly. What's different about me?" I asked confused."

The warning bell rang which meant the halls would soon be flooded with people.  Luke threw out the core of his apple, zipped up his lunchbag and stood up.

"For what it's worth, I think you should try to talk to him.  He's a really chill guy to talk to, and I think you two could be great friends to be honest." And Luke walked down the hall and turned the corner.

Save Me - clifford (a.u.)Where stories live. Discover now