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"So how have you been?" Michael turn to me asking. as we were walking down the street.

"Fine." I swallowed hard. "Yea I've been alright.  How about you?" I asked.

He nodded, slipping his hands into his jean pockets.

"Same old." He smirked.

"Listen, Michael, that day in Starbucks, what I said what toally shitty and I didn't mean any of it.  youre nothing close to a drug dealer, it was stupid."

"Yea it was." He said nodding looking at me.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked.

"Of course.  I'm not one to hold grudges." He said shrugging, "Its forgotten." He said smiling which made me smile.

"Got any good music?" He said pointing at my ipod.

"Depends what you're into." I smiled handing him the ipod.

He took it and began scrolling through the list

"You do not like Mayday..." He began.

I pretended to be offended.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Becuase pretty girls aren't allowed to like mayday, its like an instacrush quality.

"Instacrush?" I asked.  Not bringing up the fact that he called me pretty.

"Yea you know.  Those things that people like or do that make you want to fall in love with them even if you barely know them."

"Oh and liking Mayday is going to make you fall in love with me?" I said laughing.

He laughed. "It could be a contrubuting factor if it happened."

He picked Jersey (A.N. play Jersey by Mayday Parade if you have it now)

He took one ear bud and I took the other.  I was noticible shorter than him, so he held the ipod so he wouldnt have to bend down.

"I love this song." I admitted.

"Same.  I didn't know girls like you have good taste in music."

"Girls like me?" I asked.

"Well yea, popular, dress nice, princesses basically"

"I told you not to call me that." I whined.

"Okay its either princess or Dani." He said raising his eyebrows.

"I pick Dani." I said walking through the door that he just opened.  We walked into an old looking apartment complex still listing to music together.

He pressed the button to go up and we waited for the elevator "Okay princess" he said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"What floor?" I asked reaching for the button.

"It's alright I got it." he said reaching for the button number.

Just as the song finished we got up to his floor and he handed me the earbud from his hear along with my ipod.

I followed him down the hall and up to number 44.

He pulled out his key and opened the door.  He let me in  and closed the door behing us.  It was small, and cozy.  It was about the size of half of our top floor.  It wasn't what I was used to, but for some reason I liked it.  I walked up to an open window he has looking out onto a main road.  It wasn't a great view but I loved it. 

He dropped the key on the table and the noise brought be back to reality.

"So this is casa clifford." He said opeing out his arms.

"Its nice." I said nodding.

He nodded in reply.

"Okay I have the board in my room let me get it." He went down the narrow all all the way till the end.

I looked around.  There were 3 couches around a coffee table and a small tv in front.  And then about 5 fee away from the back of the couch began the island in the small kitchen.  Which had a sink, an oven that looked at least 20 years old, and a fridge.

"Alright lets work here." Michael said walking back and putting the blue board on the dinner table.   My mom would be pissed if we used the dinner table for a project.

"Are you sure your mom is okay with us using the kitchen table?" I asked, pulling out the wooden chair

He gave me a look of question.

"Why wouldn't she be?"

I shrugged it off.

"Okay so lets put the title here." I proposed drawing a straight line in the middle of the board.

"Okay." He said nodding.

"We just need to finish the written."

"Alright I will get my laptop.  Give me a sec." And Michael disappeared.  I looked down at my phone. I had a missed call from my mom but that was nothing new.  Ill just text her  the address later.

"Alright,"said Michael sitting down with his laptop," Let's do it"

Save Me - clifford (a.u.)Where stories live. Discover now