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Calum and I walked into the Starbucks around the corner of our school.  It was late and it seemed like the perfect place to study for our Math test.

We walked up to the cash and the barista helped us out.

“That will be Seven ninety-nine.” She said pushing her glasses farter up her nose.  It was then that I had fallen in love with her.  Around her wrist was a Panic! At the Disco bracelet, like an official one from their tour last Summer.  I paused staring at her wrist.  Calum hit me in the shoulder and I looked up at her face.  She looked left and right and leaned towards me, and I leaned back.

“What is it sunshine?” She asked sarcastically.

I smiled and looked down at the counter letting out a light laugh.  I stood up normally and smiled giving her 10 dollars. 

“Keep the change.” I said winking.  Slick, Luke.

I looked back and saw her open her eyes wide and shake her head as if I was insane.  Then she instantly wiped the “what the fuck was wrong with him” look off of her face and wore a bright smile for the next customer.  I just stared.  Is this like reverse infatuation when I fall in love with something about her before her bright smile and her beautifully rich dark hai-

“I have a grande eggnog latte for Luke and a grande peppermint mocha for Calum.  Thanks guys.” Siad the barista.  An young Asian gentleman.  I looked back up at the girl that helped us earlier and back at the Asian man who was furiously making another drink.

“Excuse me…” I said calling the man over.

“Luke what are you-…” Calum began.

“What’s her name?” I whispered, pointing to the dark haired girl who was now reading a book at the register because there were no more customers to be served.

He looked at her, and said “Holly. Why don’t you go introduce yourself?” He whispering back.

“Here Calum hold this.” I said throwing my latte at Calum (not literally but pretty close).

I leaned up on the counter without saying anything.  She didn’t even look up.

“Hey I-“

“Shhh.” She said holding up her pointer finger as if to say “Give me a minute.”  I looked at Calum, and he gave me a thumbs up.

“What can I get for you?” She asked smiling again.

“Maybe uhh… your number?” I said leaning forward.

She rolled her eyes and looked at me with an exhausted expression. “What?”

I stood up straight and looked at her confused.  “Hi I’m Luke…” I began throwing on my million dollar smile.

She looked at me like she was unimpressed. “Holly.” She said looking back down and began reading her book again.

“Nice breacelet.” I said trying to break this brick wall.

“Thanks.” She said without looking up.

“No I mean the Panic! One….” I began.

That’s what got her attention and she looked up.

“You’re into panic! ?” She asked suspiciously.

“After Mayday Parade, they’re only my favourite band, but you know Mayday is after all time low and all…” I began mumbling.

She closed her book and I took this as a good sign. “Let me get this straight.  You like Panic and  All time low and Mayday…” She asked still suspicious.

I nodded.

“Who sent you screwboy?” She asked honestly as if she didn’t believe me.

I was taken aback. “I- Uhh… No one?” I half – asked –half stated.

“So did you just come here to tell me that you liked my bracelet?” She asked honestly.

“No I came to ask you out…” I began quietly.

“You want to go out with me, even though you didn’t know my name about a minute ago.” She said slowly nodding.

Luke, what have you done?

“I saw your Panic bracelet earlier, thought it was cool.  That’s it.  Thought we had the same taste in music, okay?” I said pushing myself off of the register.

“Alright.” She said picking up her book and burying her nose back into is as if I had left.

I decided to walk away and back to Calum.

“So….” He said.

“She called me a screwboy….” I began looking down at the table.

“She wha-“

“She literally tore every single thing I said to her into little pieces.” I began recapping more for myself rather than Calum.

“I’m sor-“

“I think I’m in love.” I realized, looked back at Holly who was now biting her nail as she read.

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