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There was a soft knock on the door of Magnus apartment. Magnus smiled then opened it...revealing a tall red haired man. "Joz, my friend" Magnus beamed, Joz smiled and looked at the other's "Greetings" he said to the newcomers.

Clary smiled then walked up to him "Your our friend Joz, don't he so formal" Clary suggested. Joz smiled then brought Clary in for a hug "We missed you" Clary said while breaking her way out of the hug.

Clary walked back over to the others "Come, don't be shy. Sit down" Magnus gestured Joz over to the couch. Joz looked at Clary and Axel "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding I was in the Caribbean." He said apologetically.

Axel started laughing "Clary and I aren't married" Axel grabbed Rubys hand and held it "She is" Axel said. Joz stared, obviously taken aback "What happened, you know that's why I felt the babies presence in your wife's abdomen" Joz inquired.

Axel stared at Joz "She's pregnant" Axel asked. Joz nodded and looked at Magnus "Why didn't you tell them already" Joz asked. "They didn't ask" was what he said.

Tessa stared at Will "How are you alive" she asked. Will stared back "It's a long story, but the upside is....I live forever." he said quietly.

Tessa put her head in her hand " Will, I am so sorry you have to see me moved on, I love you....I really do. But I can't leave Jem." she stuttered. Will smiled "I understand, come walk with me " he held out his arm, she grasped it firmly and followed him.

Clary smiled at Ruby "Your pregnant" Clary squealed at the pale faced Ruby. Axel had a small tear in his eye "I.....I'm going to be a father" he stuttered, a huge grin spread across his face. "I can't have a child......not now at least" Ruby mumbled.

Joz looked at her sincerely "It's a good thing, to know that a child of light will be born in a time of darkness. The baby will lighten the mood" Joz cheered. Ruby slightly smiled at his motivation.

"Magnus, tell them about our plan to" Alec begged hopefully. Magnus pondered it, then he finally agreed "We're adopting" Magnus inquired. Jace was the one who jumped up this time " I'm going to be an uncle" Jace smiled. Alec nodded, "I wish Isabelle was here, but yet she's with the vampire" Alec mumbled.

Isabelle held Simon's hand "I miss this" Isabelle said while inhaling the sweet aroma of Central Park.

She felt Simon grip her hand tighter "I do to, these past few weeks have been hectic, but we made it through" Simon stared into Isabelles eyes and kissed her head gently. "I may not be a great fighter, but if Sebastian hurts you again.....he will die, maybe not by my hand.

But I will ensure his demise" Simon assured. Isabelle nodded "Or I will be the one to kick his ass for you" she joked. Simon smiled and looked across the street. The hotel Dumort was there.

"Thanks for coming with me to help, Maureen won't go down easy" Simon said. He glared at the top window, where he was once held.

Kaya stared at the grimacing Valentine "Thank you ,Natasha is it" he asked with a frightening mono tone sound.

Natasha smiled and looked at Kaya. "This is Mikayla, she's our new recruit." This time Sebastian was the one who looked over at her and grinned maniacally "So team "Good""

Sebastian said in parentheses "Is letting their youngest living Angel , join our side." He started coming closer to her. Kaya took a step back "Uh, I was kidnapped. Well I guess I was kind of forced to join. But I will be loyal" Kaya lied.

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "You better be, or there will be dire consequences" he grumbled. He looked back at the others "We have a war to plan" he announced while rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

Hey guys, sorry for being AFK for so long. Here is the newest update. Ps So many readers......thank you.

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