Coming Home

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Crap, I know I have not updated in a long time... I was sick for a week, then it was Thanksgiving break, then I had a concussion, then I had school, then Christmas Break, then more school, then snow, then exams..... then family issues, then more school.I've been really busy

Rangor huddled around his troop, his army was compromised of 50 faeries. They were a small bunch, but they were powerful. Most of his troop had agreed to come, but there were a few who were extremely resistant about it. Rangor looked over his shoulder and saw the two wizards peering down at an ancient book. "How do we know we can trust Shadowhunters, their kind has battled with then in the past" Riza commented (A small, but fierce warrior) Rangor glares at her "Thats more reason to stand with them, they didn't battle with us, they battled with the Court" he huffed "We broke away from the Court years ago, we are not of them, we are against them." Riza looked at her leader "Yes sir" she said calmly, her personality was different off the battlefield. Rangor gave a rare smile "Now, we will train, then fight our asses off in this battle"

Simon stumbled up the steps of Magnus's apartment complex, not until after he left, he realized that Maureen had managed to injure his leg with a shard of glass. Isabelle tried to help, but Simon refused, he needed to show Isabelle that he was a man who didn't need help (though the lack of hair on his chest prohibited any further belief).  "Simon, you need help" Isabelle said sternly, she put his arm around her and began to walk towards his apartment.

Once they made it to the door, Izzy knocked three times before Joz opened the door. "Hello young Shadowhunter and Daylighter... your loved ones have been awaiting your return" he said kindly. Isabelle gave a fake smile and sat Simon down on the couch "Magnus" she urged "You need to heal Simon, he was injured" . Magnus closes his book and rushes over to Simon "His injuries are far from fatal, magic on top of his quick healing will close the wound in no time"

Isabelle nodded and looked down at Simon "I'll go get Clary" she said, Simon grabbed Izzy's shoulder "Let me, no offense, but I think she would like to talk to me" he said calmly, trying not to upset the girl. Simon gripped his wound, all that was left was a small scratch. Isabelle sighed "Fine"

Simon made his way to Clary's temporary room, he knocked a few times before Jace opened up. "Hey Blood-sucker" he snickered. Simon rolled his eyes "I need to talk to Clary" he huffed. Jace backed up and pointed to a chair "She was freaking out earlier" Jace patted him on the shoulder then left the room. Simon jumped as the golden haired boy hit the wound "Doesn't he know how to be gentle?" Simon tried to make light of the situation. He slowly made his way to the chair "Hey Clare-Bear, I did it...I killed Maureen" he sounded proud of himself, something he hasn't felt in years. Clary looked up and smiled "She died?" she asked, just to make sure she didn't hear him wrong. "Your now looking at the new New York Vampire Clan leader" he smiled brightly. Clary then stood up and hugged him tightly "Thank you" she whispered "All we need now is more good news"

Sebastian and Valentine rose from the rubble "NATASHA" Sebastian yelled furiously. Valentine placed a hand on his sons shoulder and chuckled "She won't get away with it, she will die. Along with her allies, as long as we retrieve your brother and sister" he said maliciously. Sebastian laughed, the deep tone of his voice could be heard anywhere. "Then why are we waiting" he then snapped. Valentine turned to his son and glared, "Patience is a virtue that we must treasure, we must wait for the right time. Let them enjoy their last moments of peace, because we all know. Happiness never lasts forever"

Kaya woke up to the sound of soft footsteps. As if on cue, Kaya slowly moved her hand under her pillow and grasped the small knife that she hid. She sprung out of her bed and pointed the knife at Natasha. Natasha jumped away from Kaya's closet and looked at the girl "It's just me" she said assured. Kaya cocked her head sideways "Why are you in my room" she commanded. Natasha put her hands up, making sure that Kaya trusted her "I was packing some of your clothes into a bag, we're leaving and going to stay at Magnus's house." she informed Kaya on the rest of the plans. Kaya nodded and put her knife down "Here, I'll help"

Once they got finished packing, Natasha looked at Kaya. "Ready" she asked. Kaya nodded, she was so glad to be able to see Ruby again.

Hey guys, I know it's been so long. And I'm so sorry about that. But thank you guys for reading and I k ow it was shorter than usual. This is kind of a transition chapter, the big stuff is coming soon. Thank you guys soooo much.

ps. 6k, is amazing. I can't thank you enough

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