The new life

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Clary landed on the cold floor of the abandoned apartment, she looked around and saw furniture every where. "I'm crazy, this will never work" she silently thought to her self. She sat down on the old couch, now tattered to shreads. She waited for what seemed like 30 minutes before she heard anything. She sat right up and grabbed a seraph blade out of her boot. She went into her fighting position, "remember your training" she thought. Clary had her eyes open, keenly eyeing every thing.

Thud Thud Thud Thud.

Clary heard the noise of footsteps coming from the other side of the apartment. She ducked behind a chair and tried to spy who it was, the foot steps got closer and closer. When Clary finally saw the image of black gear through the doorway that led to Clary sprain into action, with such speed all she was, was a blur. Clary had put the figure into a head lock and put the blade hard (but not enough to draw blood) on his throat.

"Clary stop, it's me Jace." Said the figure. Clary thought about letting him go, but Sebastian was here...She felt it. Clary had to prove worthiness, "No, Why should I ever forgive you. Jace you broke my heart....why should I follow any of you. I'm more powerful than all of you petty ones combined, I realized I WANT POWER. I can only do that by joining Sebastian, and you can't stop me." CLary pressed the blade harder, just enough to draw blood. "Clary, this isn't you....this is not the Clary I love" Jace was astonished but he had to keep reminding himself that she was doing this as an act. " Well then that means you don't love anyone else anymore....because that Clary is long gone" She was about to dig the blade into Jaces neck before a figure stepped out of the kitchen.

"Well,well,well. Has my little sister finally found out what was best for her...come here" Sebastian held out his arms to her. She dropped the blade and went to him, she hugged him back "I'm proud of you little sis, but you must spare Jace....he is MY little brother after all." Clary smiled falsely at Sebastian, " Those pesky little "friends" of mine , can't compare to us. We can demolish the weak race of Shadowhunters and create our own" Clary tried with all her might not to tag. Sebastian look behind her and saw her wings start unfolding.

"Now my sister, my love. We can rule the world's" Sebastian came in and lied a soft kiss upon her lips, Clary kissed back....even though she was absolutely disgusted. " Come my allies, we have a world to rule" Sebastian said grabbing Clarys bag, and defending into a portal he had made before....Clary and Jace following.

(Ok Kat here, there is going to be Seb and Clary kissing in this, I know it's disgusting but it's for her plan so just to let you know before hand)

6 months later

Every one from the New York Institute and Miami, had been finding out ways to try and reach Clary, they hadn't found a way. Jace had gone missing, hours after Clary had. Jocelyn and Like never showed up anymore, except when they heard little bits of news of sightings of Sebastian or weird occurrences...little Claire was a year old now...She had Luke's Brown hair and Jocelyns green eyes.

Axel had completely shut him self out of life,unless Ruby was around. Isabelle had been suspecting something going on between them, but she hasn't had any proof of it....but if she found out anything going on with them she would kill Axel for the same reason she would have killed Jace. Mikayla (or Kaya as she liked to be called) had been training fiercely, wanting revenge on Sebastian for no reason...She liked Kaya she was so nice...but yet smart to. Jordan and Maia had postponed their wedding until a later date...just until Clary and Jace came back. (Sorry I haven't included much off Jordan and Maia they will be appearing soon). Everyone was on edge, always flinching or something, if only They would come back

Clary was woken up by the sweet smell of coffee under her nose " Wake up Clary, we have a big day" Sebastian Said walking into her room, he gave her a cup with her favorite drink...vanilla cream mocha. "Ok, thanks can you get out real quick so I can get dressed." She asked kindly, he kissed her on the head and left the room. Clary hated living here, she had to take being evil, being in love with Sebastian, and even fake hating Jace...who inadvertently was being kept in the room she had originally was kept in (this was the same house from earlier).

She went to her closet, of her fancily decorated room. Sebastian said that they would get married after one year of her being here, so he could "trust" her fully. It had only been six months...but he finally let her have weapons again. Clary searched the closet and found nothing that she "liked", only fancy dresses. She grabbed a long black one that flowed to the ground in the back, but only went to her thigh in the front. She looked at the bottom of the walk in closet and searched for her knee high boots, when she found them she slipped them on and went to her vanity to apply her black lip stick. She did up her hair in an elegant bun.

She walked out of her room and made it down stairs to the kitchen where Seb was waiting for her at the counter with breakfast. "Hello my love, how did you sleep" Web asked passing her a plate of eggs and toast. "Great, although I had a creak in my neck" Sebastian come close to her and laid his hands on her neck " Right here"? He asked, she nodded and groaned as he massaged her neck. Jace walked in and stared, "Well I see everyone is up now" he said walking over to the fridge. Sebastian eyed Jace carefully. ' You know little brother, Sarah has been waiting for you to come" Jace made a small gagging noise " That slut," Sebastian laughed and kissed Clary on the cheek "I have to go out and get somethings I'll be back in a couple hours" Seb said while walking out of the door.

"Jace, I dont know how much longer I can do this" Clary felt like crying. Jace came close to her and put his hand on her shoulder " Its ok Clary we can make it through this" Clary felt the tears coming now " I have to do it today, even if I cant kill him completly I can injure him enough to stop him for a while" Clary looked up at Jace, she wanted him. But she had to think about Axel, but she couldnt handle it... she reached up and kissed Jace. Their kisses got longer and deeper, Jace picked Clary up and led her to her room. Jace lied Clary on her bed, Jace broke the kiss "Are you sure Clary" he asked her and she got up. "Jace, there was a feeling inside of me a few minutes ago that I couldnt tame, its like I was being forced to kiss you.

But now I know what it was, my heart. I would love to do this with you but I have to think about Axel,and....Sebastian should be coming home soon, we have to get ready." Clary got off of the bed and went to her bathroom, she changed out of the dress, and changed into her gear. Clary put her hair into a pony tail. When she was done she left the bathroom, and grabbed her weapons. " You know Clary, when you left I thought I had died...and when you came back I thought I had died. You got prettier, taller, and just all around bad ass." he laughed and left the room.

Clary stared after him, she knew the story of how Jace hadnt really cheated on her. But she couldnt bring her self to forgive him...until now. She grabbed and axe that Seb had given her about a month before. Clary grabbed her stele and went to the front door, she hid behind  a brush right next door. Jace did the same. "Jace when he comes in sneak up behind him and stab him. I will chop his head off." Clary instructed, Jace nodded then took postion. They waited for what seemed like 10 minutes before the front door opened. Clary nodded at Jace.

Sebastian walked in with a small decorated box..." Claryyyyy I have something for you" he yelled " Great he didnt see us" Clary thought. She nodded at Jace and he lunged at Sebastian, he dug his blade into his back and moved it up and down. That was Clarys cue, she ran up to Sebastian and stared him into the eyes " Clary, why...I thought you were on my side" he asked with pure anger forming in his eyes. " It was all a ploy Sebastian," she took her her axe and swung it towards his head. before it reached him all he said was " I'll be back" right before Clarys axe cleanly cut his head off.

His body disapeered and Clary dropped on her knees. " We did it,but he will come back" Clary went over to Jace and hugged him. " Come on Clary, make a portal you have a wedding to plan" Clary smiled and made a portal.

Hey guys, thanks for the reads :))). Sorry for the late update, ive been trying to work on some other stories. Anyways Thank you sooooo much- Kat byeee

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