Darkess is Returning

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"Jace, wake up" said a soft, soothing voice. Jace opened his eye's and blinked them vigorously. He was greeted to the soft smell of vanilla, and red hair.

Jace smiled and inhaled the aroma. "You know if you wanted to help me I could use something for my head, it kills" he said quietly into Clary's ear. Clary nodded then grabbed a.sweatshirt "Here use this, while you were asleep you mumbled something about Natasha and the Endarkend. We have the others lying down in the cave we found, the cloaked figures helped me escape. The others are all sleeping but they have Kaya."

Clary started crying faintly, Jace lifted his head and looked at her. "We'll find her, remember......the good guys always win" he put his hand on her cheek and wiped away the falling tears. Clary smiled and stood up, Jace looked around the valley they were in. It was pretty, green grass and golden rocks making up the edge of the valley.

"Can I get up Clary, my head doesn't hurt anymore" he said quietly. Clary looked at him with soft nurturing eyes "When Will came and got you through the portal, I thought I lost you. Then he brought back the others. I thought you were all dead, but you were just unconscious and the others had paralysis runes on."

Clary sounded frantic l, but she just brought Jace in for a hug "Dont leave me" she whispered into his ear. Clary helped Jace up from the soft grass and led him towards the cave. "You said Will, who's Will" he asked, giving her an interested look.

She redend and stopped walking "He was one of the cloaked figures, he revealed who he was and his name is William Herondale. Your great great great grandfather" she laughed. Jace stepped back and shook his head "He's what" he spoke breathlessly. Clary smiled and took Jace by the arm

"You won't believe who the other one is, it will give you a great amount of shock". Clary pulled Jace by the arm and led him towards the cave.

Clary led Jace to the shelter, inside was everyone still recovering from the rune...it took a great toll on the body. "Where are they" Jace asked looking around the damp cave. "Over here, they put everyone in the back" She led him once more down the cave, but this time it only took two minutes to get there.

Jace luckily still had his stele in him, he got it out and put a Night Vision rune on himself. When he got done he looked around and saw two figures coming towards him, the smallest of the two was only a couple inches taller than Jace.

He walked up to him and have him a bear hug that might as well have broke his ribs. "My son, you have grown so much, I'm sorry that I couldn't have watched you grow up. But you have made a fine one, I watched you in my realm everyday, becoming a great Shadowhunter by the minute" the man released Jace from the embrace and stepped back.

Jace was shocked "Who the hell is this?" He wondered he looked closely at the man, examining his features. The man's face fell "Jace, don't you know wh-....I wouldn't presume you do, but Jace my name is Stephan Herondale.

Jaces mouth opened, he looked at Stephan then smiled "Your, my dad?" He asked, remembering the notes that Amatis gave him back in Idris. Stephan smiled then brought Jace into a voluntary hug this time. "You know you have one more family member you have to meet" Clary said, coming closer to the father and son.

Jace picked up his head and looked at Clary, right next to her was a black haired man. "Hello Jace" said the man with a thick british accent. Jace went over to him and smiled "So your the great William Herondale I've heard so much about" he said sarcastically, Will smiled and returned the sarcasticness

"Why, you heard of how I rescued my true love and we lived happily ever after." He said with a smile, although he had pain behind his eyes. "Jace, every time you meet people your snarky with them" Clary remarked, she couldn't keep her smile down. "Yeah, I pretended I hated you when I met you. I also shooed Alec away to.....speaking of which why isn't he here"

Jace looked over at the sleeping Shadowhunters. "We contacted Magnus, he retrieved anyone that wasn't in the Institute last night and brought them to his apartment for safety." She said softly, Will clapped his hands together and smiled

"Well due to the nights events, I am going to sleep...I recommend that Clarissa does to....I know you haven't been sleeping lately" he raised his brows at her and shrugged off with out another notice, he lied down next to the others...Stephen did the same. Jace bent down to Clary and laughed lightly

"Is it just me or was that the quickest and weirdest family reunion ever" he said in her ear, she turned around and laughed "Give it time, you will warm up to them soon" he smilled and and ran his fingers through his hair

" What's this I hear that you haven't been sleeping lately" Clary looked away from Jace's deep gold eyes and fixed her eyes on her sleeping friends "How do you think Ruby is going to act about Kaya" she asked quietly, trying to change the subject. Jace sighed

"I don't know, I just can't believe this is happening, it's just to fast" he mumbled, Jace broke the stare from Clary and lied down on the hard ground "Come here Clary, you have to get some sleep." He waved his hand towards him, she went over to him and lied next to him. Jace put his arm around her and she nessled closer.

Jace laughed "Kinda like old times huh" he joked Clary started up at him and smiled "Yea-" she was interrupted with Jace putting his lips softly on hers, she kissed back. Their kiss got deeper, it wasn't hot or steamy, but soft and passionate.

Jace pulled away and smiled "Was it okay to kiss you this time" he asked, barely being able to keep a straight face. "Yes, actually I'm glad you did" she said softly, Jace let out a soft breath. "Come on, you have to get some sleep".

Kaya woke up in a damp room, it had no light. She was huddled in the corner "What happened, where was Ruby" she thought, her hands were tied together with an old rope. She was drifting off to sleep again until she was startled by the opening of the rusty door. Kaya heard foot steps enter the room.

"Wake up you scum child" demanded a crude voice, Kaya looked up and saw a short brunette in very high heeled boots. "I told you to get up, my colleagues want to see you" she yelled.Kaya shot right up and eyed the girl, the girl grabbed Kayas rope and led her out of the room. She led her down the hallway

"My name is Juni, and I will be your "mentor" , you will listen to me and my friends.....and then my master." She scowled at Kaya. Kaya nodded her head and looked at the floor. After about five minutes of walking they finally reached a dimly lit room, containg two more girls. "I see that she is awake now" said a familiar voice

"Your very pretty Mikayla, that's why you will be a perfect addition into our small family....ruling with our master" said the voice again. Kaya turned around and saw Natasha smiling fakely at her. "You, you betrayed us" Kaya yelled,

Natasha threw her head back and laughed "We all did, now you might be wondering....where is our master. Well because of that bitch Clary he is immobilized. Lilith is coming in three days to cure him, and she is also bringing someone with her" Kaya glared at Natasha,

"Who" she stuttered. Kaya saw a smile form on Juni's face now, "Well, he's the one who made our master who he is.....Valentine Morgenstern". The two girls started grinning smugly "And when he arises, the war will start".

Sorry about the late update I've been working on different stories. Anyways I hope you liked it, thanks so much for over 700 reads, that's amazing. Thank you -Kat byeeeee

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