The Council

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"Hey Jace, Alec and I are going hunting so we can get our minds off of you know what" Jace looked up at Isabelle who had come in his room. "No, Isabelle go Im fine" Jace said in a quiet but surely fake voice, his eyes were red and puffy. Isabelle left Jace alone and went to her room. When she got there she looked at herself in the full body mirror, she was a mess hair strewn everywhere and her eyes were puffy.

The rest of the group had went over to Luke and Jocelyn's to inform them about Clary and Axels death, Jocelyn had fell on the floor crying and look just staredat the wall motionless while holding Claire. The Hightowers were informed, but they didnt show as much emotion as the teenagers and other adults. "Its unbelieveable that all this happend less than 3 hours ago" Isabelle thought.

She grabbed her gear and combat boots, she slipped them on and went to the front door to wait for Alec "Isabelle, how are you holding up" said Maryse sneaking up behind Isabelle "I dont know mom, my best friend got killed after not being able to see her four five years so I guess im on a rollercoaster that only goes up (XD)" Isabelle said a little bit too snidely "Isabelle, I know its not easy but trust me you will get over it , your a Shadowhunter you have to suffer loss" Maryse got up and walked away, nearly knocking over Alec. " Ready" Isabelle looked at Alec, his eyes were also puffy but he wore a fake smile "Yeah, I dont want to think about you know what" They went out the double doors and started makng their way to an abandoned resturant, ti kill the demons that were sighted there.

When they got there it was silent, absolutley silent. Alec made one step into the building and pulled out his seraph blades and Isabelle started uncoiling her whip. They looked everywhere for signs of demonic activity but yet they found nothing. Isabelle turned around and saw a demon that was a little bit shorter than her but it made up for it with its razor sharp claws and teeth, Isabelle couldnt get out a scream to inform Alec before the demon dug its talons into her stomach .

Alec heard some commotion out in the main area of the building, and saw a five foot demon kneeling over a body.


He ran towards the demon and dug a seraph blade into its back, tje demon turned around and started lashing out at Alec. He doged every blow until the last one,he hadnt expected it but tue demon bit Alec in several different places leaving demon venom in his veins. Alec cut the demons head off right before he himself collapsed, he saw the demon disapear then he closed his eyes.

Clary.and Axel had been waiting for the arrival of Isabelle and Alec,they were in Clarys realm now she had manifested New York. Clary was worried about Izzy and Alec "Did it hurt" she thought, she kept on thinking about them while she waited, she had just got done thinking about death until she rememberd something Sebastion said

"And that thing in your stomach, well lets just say its Odalis"

Clary looked down at ber stomach "Im sorry, your" she felt the burn behind her eyes until the Institute vanished away and Clary was back in the meadow. "Clary?. Is that you" said a voice behind her she turned around knowing instantly who it was.


"By the Angel Alec, did Raziel explain the council to you and Isabelle" Clary pulled him in for a hug "Yeah, but he had to explain it a little more to Isabelle though" he laughed and hugged her back" Is Axel here" Clary looked around trying to find him " I think he went back to his realm" Isabelle snuck up behind Clary and scared her "Angel Isabelle dont do that" Clary said pulling her into a hug "Well I AM an angel now so your point is invalid" they both laughed " You know, knowing that you were dead is worse than not knowing where you are"

"Hey Jace have you seen Isabelle?" Lacey asked Jace walking past him in the library. Jace looked up at her as if he didnt know anyone else lived on the planet Lacey repeated the question "She went hunting with Alec at that old resturant on 59th street" Jace said quietly then he looked back down to a book he wasnt even reading "Thanks..." Lacey walked out of h room and went to Kieras room. Lacey knocked on the door, behind it she heard soft sobbing "Kiera let me in its Lacey" Kiera opened the door but quickley went back to her bed. Lacey knew that her eyes were puffy to I mean it had been eight hours sence they found out. "Get your gear on you and I are going hunting"

Lacey and Kiera came up close to the abandoned resturant, but they were to late. They saw two dead bodies on the floor.

Alec and Isabelle

Lacey screamed out in horror and ran towards them. When she got to their side she saw the wounds they suffered from. She drew runes on them but none of them worked, she was about to draw another rune on Isabelle until she felt a sharp pain go through her neck. She screamed and screamed the pain was unbearable, then she felt like she was falling...falling a million feet but not ever touching the ground. But all of a sudden everything went blank, it was only this time that she saw blood coming from her neck . She looked around and saw two Endarkend, and Kiera lying on the ground motionless. Lacey ran for her but couldnt go more than a step before falling and finally reaching the ground.

Clary and Isabelle had fun manifesting different things while waiting for the others. Isabelle of course had fun with getting Victoria Secret stuff that matched her gold wings, and Clary just manifested new books and clothes and stuff. "You know who knew being dead was this much fun " Clary joked trying to keep her mind off of the child she lost. Isabelle laughed," now who are we waiting for" Izzy asked. Clary tried remembering and it struck her "Umm Keira and Lacey"

Lacey woke up in a field, Kiera was next to her. Lacey got up and looked around " Kiera...where are we" she looked at Kiera, she was standing up now but attached to her back was a pair of beautiful gold wings. "Holy shi-" Kiera covered Laceys mouth "Laceyy, dont cuss in heaven its rude" Lacey looked at her confused "What are you talking about". In the distance Clary made out four figures, and another flying above them. The flying figure came towards them..."Hello my children, you have come"

Hey guys Kat here sorry for the late update ive been getting stuff ready for comic con in chicago im going as Ruby Rose from RWBY anyways I hope you like the new chapter i was about to include the scene of Jace and Sawyer but i decided this chapter was getting kind of boring so im including it next chapter. Thanks for reading. - Kat byeeeee

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