Angels and Demons

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Sawyer fell down in the foyer and. was screaming out Lacey's name, in pain he tried to get up but Lacey come running in. "Sawyer, Sawyer whats the matter" Laceys asked trying to help Sawyer "Axel, he-hes dead" Lacey sucked in her breath and sat down next to Sawyer " The connection between us snapped, I felt it. I know how he died." Sawyer got up, the pain subsided but it was still there reminding him of his parabatais death. "Sawyer, howd he die." Lacey asked quietly,still shocked about her friends death "He got stabbed. Clary, we have to find her. If shes not dead yet." Sawyer got up, he had to go to the library to find the others.

Isabelle was with Simon, they were the room where all downworlders could go. Isabelle had remeberd that Simon was the only one that could sense if Clary was in danger. Simon had called Isabelle.up and said something had happend to her. Simon had known why Clary left and every day he called up saying she was ok. No one new how it was possible that Simon could sence this or how Clary could either.

But when Simon called her up she knew Clary wasnt ok. Isabelle hadnt told the others that she was meeting up with Simon about this. "Isabelle, I felt it this morning it was as if I died with her" Simon started sobbing " I havent seen her in five years and now shes dead. Isabelle started crying to "Simon, wait here I have tell the others" she kissed him and she left, trying to hold back tears.

Jace and the others were in the library trying to track Axel and Clary until Lacey and Sawyer came in, tears streaming down their eyes. " Axels dead" Sawyer said quietly but everyone could hear him. Kiera stared blankly, shocked." No, hes not dead he cant be" Keira yelled at Sawyer " Kiera I felt it ,our parabatai bond broke, Im sorry." Keira ran out of the room tears streaming from her face. "I'll go after her" Lacey ran after Keira. Jace went up to Sawyer " Is Clary ok? " Jace was filled with worry " I don- " Isabelle walked in crying, Jace's heart sunk he knew right away by the way Isabelle looked at him "Sebastian killed Clary". She ran towards Alec.who then started crying to. Jace just stared absent mindedly at the wall. "Was it my fault, for her dying" he thought until streams of tears came down his face.

"And the boy never cried again"

Clary looked around, she was in a beatiful meadow filled with summer roses and red tulips (if you have read Evermore you will get that). She looked at herself now, she was dressed in a beautiful white gown flowing behind her. Something brushed up against her skin, she looked behind her and saw a pair of beatiful golden, white wings. Angel wings. She opened her wings and they spanned about the size of four of her. "No, this cant be happening" Clary mumbled to herself " Clarissa Morgenstern, we are so happy to see you here at last" Clary looked up and saw three angels, the one in the middle and speaking was Raziel " We have waited for you to take your place on the Council, we are waiting for 6 more members to thier realms"

Clary stared at them "Council?, what are you talking about" Raziel looked at her and smiled

" My dear Clarissa, when I created the Shadowhunters I planned for only 12 Shadowhunters in Earths history to die and come hear to rule by my side as angels with emence power. And two of the remaining members came today "Axel Hightower and you. The rest of the members are Isabelle and Alec Lightwood,Kiera Hightower,Lacey Nightwine, Sawyer Ravenheart, and Jonathan Herondale or Jace as you like to call him. You may think its a coincidence that its everyone you know, but its not it was fate that brought you together."

"Fate?" Clary stared out into the meadow " Why yes my dear child, I helped create all of you even your brother Jonathan" Clarys eyes widened "Then why didnt you have my mother kill him when he was a baby" Raziel smiled once again "Clarissa, even Shadowhunters need to know that everything can be evil.

That evil resides within your brother and the soul that has the purest of heart is you.Thats why I brought you all together, in your times of needs you were together. Clarrisa once the rest of the council comes together you must defeat the greatest evil alive. But until then you must stay in your realm but once the rest come you may live as a living angel, no longer aging, and you cant die. But her you can manifest anything you want." With that Raziel left but before he was out of sight Clary yelled " Wheres Axel" Raziel turned around and said "In his own realm you may think of him and you will be transported to him" Raziel vanished. Clary thought of Axel and his gray eyes and was transported to a place that and flowing rivers and green trees. Clary looked around and saw a brownhaired boy standing by the water, golden wings spread out. He looked beautiful and then he turned around.


Jace was in his room sobbing discreetly to himself "Why Clary" he yelled throwing a picture of him and some girl he didnt remeber at the wall. His usally neat room was messed up now, having everything thrown around. Isabelle walked in and sat down next to him on the.floor. "Jace its.not your fault, you of all people know that. You and her had loved each other, and Im proud of you for not chasing after her after you found out about Axel" Isabelle hugged him and left, but she left Jaces shirt wet from tears.

"Clary!!!!" Axel ran towards Clary and pulled her into a long embrace "By the Angel Clary Ithough I lost you" Clary started crying and said "It woild take alot more than my brother to pull us apart " Clary kissed him "Did Raziel explain everything to you" he asked "Yeah, the others need to die for us to be able to be "living angels" Clary responded while putting a toe inthe river to check if it was real " Well they better come in less than a month if we're going to get married" he smiled and hugged her.

Raziel traveled all the way from his layer to Axel Hightowers realm to talk to Clarissa and him. He forgot to tell them when the others will die (which was odd he thought Angels dont usually forget anything) when he came to Axels realm he saw Clarissa and Axel laughing and hugging, not wanting to let each other go. " Hello,my young members" Clary and Axel turned around " I have forgotten to tell you the dates on which your loved ones shall come and join us. Alec and Clary stared at him in awe. "Will the get hurt badly when they die" Clary asked disappointed that all she could think about was Jace. "Young Clarissa, when they come here their lives will become better like your will." Raziel looked at them like a grandfather unto his grandchild. With love.

Your loved ones will die in pairs, like you did. First will be Isabelle and Alec Lightwood. They will die when Isabelle and Alec die in a suprise demon attack. Next will be Kiera Hightower and Lacey Nightwine they will die when two Endarkend find them and kill them. Lastly Sawyer Ravenscar and Jonathan Herondale will die when the building they were in collapses on them. All of this will happen in four hour intervals. None of thwm will know about each others death until they come here. And with that Raziel got up and flew away.

Hey guys its Kat and im sooo sorry about the late update ive been really busy but i hope this chapter makes up for it -Kat byeee

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