The Truth is Out

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Clary grabbed Axel's hand. He looked at Clary and he saw the fear behind her eyes, and thats when he knew. " Where was he sighted?" Lacey asked with a little bit of fear in her voice, masked only by the quietness of it.

" As you might expect it, the Pandemonium." Maryse said to answer Laceys question. "Who spotted them " Keira asked showing no fear at all. "Well you might know her, she trains at the Miami Institute, the Angel knows why shes hear.

But by my intel from your parents you guys dont really like her, her name is Juni Ashdown." Maryse told the Shadowhunters.

"By the Angel...damnit.Well we all know who Im avoiding from now on" Axel sounded nervous, Clary looked up at him trying ,but not so hard to hide a small smirk. Juni was Axel ex, Axel had given her everything ...but she just got bitchier and bitchier every day.

And all this started when Clary came to the Institute, when Axel tried to help her train before the tutors from Alicante came. Juni somewhat bullied Clary whenever she saw her, but that didnt last long until Kiera and Lacey had come to her asking for help on revenge on Juni so they had done it, every day they would get their friend Joz (a warlock) had put a spell on her everyday so that she would fall asleep, and then the girls would make her look hideous( like color her hair, put her in the worst clothes imaginable, and even " do her makeup if you know what I mean") they did that for two months until she finally caught on, but the thing is Axel helped with all this.

He wanted to breakup with her for about three months but when she found out boy did she have a fit I mean she took them all on in a fight and lets just say her face wasnt pretty after it. So about four months after that Clary and Axel started dating. But now shes back and she is bound to get us back but they didnt care.

"JACE AND SLUTTY COMPANY COME HEREEE" Isabelle screamed. She refused to talk to Jace much since he cheated on Clary with that grotesque vampire, and now he was with that skank Sarah, she always died her hair and she always had on low riding crop tops and booty shorts that barely made it past her ass, when she did have something like a dress on that also looked so skanky that any guy would pick her up at any time.

Honest to th Angel she looked like a clown with her makeup on. Isabelle was in the training room and Robert had said to get Jace and Sarah ( with a roll of the eyes) because they had to train " Isabelle!! Watch your mouth, we all know its true and even though Jace had made a huge mistake and was better with Clary that doesnt mean to make the person that makes Jace happy now upset"

Robert said with a slight smirk as if he knows what he just said was not true. " But he HATES Sarah dad he told me himsel-"

"Isabelle. You. Little. Whore, you of all people know that Jace loves me. You just want us to break up so you can have him to yourself." Sarah was standing at the doorway staring manically at Isabelle l, waiting for Jace she guessed.

Isabelle stared at Sarah discusted that she just said that. " You sick little slut you know hes my brother, and I thought Clary scared you off" Sarah puffed " She is not aa good as me" Isabelle laughed then rolled her eyes " Sureeee, By the Angel Sarah you cant even throw a knife and you a 21 year old Shadowhunter." Sarah started to sob at this and she ran into her and Jaces room.


When should we check out the Pandemonium" Sawyer asked his honey blond hair in his blue-green eyes causing him to swipe it out of the way ( Im making sawyer look alot like the boy version of me but Sawyer doesnt have the yellow rim around his pupil like I do, touch to write) " Right now would be sufficent" Maryse said ending the story about how Sebastion was sighted

" But bring my kids along, they havent been demon hunting in about two weeks and I know how restless they can get" Clary and the others made their way out of the office and made it downstairs into the weapons room. "Now you can really show them how much of a badass you are Clary" Lacey laughed as she equiped herself with a bow and some arrows(her favorite).

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