The Quest

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Isabelle woke up to the sound of shuffling feet, she looked around and saw nothing....but darkness. She searched herself frantically for any signs of her whip, or stele. "Hello" she whispered, she felt the ground around her and felt a hand.

"Ahh" a voice wailed. "Who so this" Isabelle questioned, her pulse starting to race. "Isabelle, is that you" said a familiar voice. "Ruby, Ruby. Is that you" Isabelle frantically asked. "Yeah, where are we" she mumbled.

"I don- ahhh" Isabelle felt a sharp sting on her arm. She turned around and saw Clary standing there with her stele.....wait she could actually see. "Sorry Iz, I put a Night Vision rune on you....Follow me, I'll show you out" Clary began jogging down the damp cave. Ruby and Isabelle following her

After about five minutes of jogging they finally saw daylight. Isabelle saw the rest of the group huddled into a big circle. When Ruby and Isabelle joined them, everyone gave Ruby solemn looks.

Axel made his way towards Ruby, he pulled her into a hug "I'm so sorry Ruby, we'll find here, I promise" Ruby pulled away from the hug and glared at Axel "Find who, wait where's Kaya" she yelled. "She was kidnapped by Natasha, she knocked Jace out and she put paralysis runes on the rest of us. Will and Stephan got Clary out before it happened." Axel mumbled.

Ruby pointed at Clary accusingly "You selfish bitch, you thought about saving yourself before Kaya or the rest of us" Ruby brought up her hand and backhanded Clary across the face. She tumbled to the ground, "Clary" Jace yelled, he dived next to her "Are you okay" he asked, Clary nodded and got back up...her face was throbbing "My Ex's new lover never like me do they" she mumbled.

Ruby's face turned bright red, she was about to yell at Clary again until Will stepped forward and blocked her "Ruby Foxwood, Raziel...our guardian told me many years ago that Stephen and I would have to swear to protect our leader no matter what....and we did. We will find your sister Mikayla, we just have to find out how" he explained smoothly. Ruby ran back into the cave and Axel trailed behind her. "Well that was eventful" Lacey said, causing everyone to stifle a small but remorseful laugh.

"Alexander" Magnus yelled, Alec came out of their room and smiled "Yeah" he asked. "I think I tracked down the others" he said, holding up Isabelles stele "Thats great, should I go tell the others" Alec pointed over to the long hallway.

"Yeah, why not" Magnus cheered. Alec walked over to Luke and Jocelyn's door and knocked thrice.Jocelyn opened the door, baby Claire is her arms.

"Have you found them" she mumbled. Alex nodded and Jocelyn's face instantly turned up. "Go tell the others" Alex instructed. She nodded and Alec made his way back towards Magnus...seeing Claire this time sparked something inside of Alec,he wanted a child of his own.

Alex found Magnus the small library, he snuck up behind him and kissed him on the cheek "I've been thinking Magnus, I want a child" Alex mustered, a nervous tone breaking the normal one. Magnus laughed "Well maybe our daughter could fit I side of your stomach" he patted Alec's stomach lightly.

Alex laughed then sat down "No, I'm serious I want to adopt a child" he said, looking deep into his husbands eyes. "One of my dear friends contacted me a few weeks ago, she's pregnant...but she can't take care of her child due to the society she is bound to.

Your aloud to wed but not have children, I could let her know we want the child...because frankly I have wanted a child for years now" he explained. Alec's eyes lit up " Is this really going to happen" he asked, overly excited. Magnus nodded and gave Alex a hug.

"Wake up Kaya" demanded a crude voice Kaya opened her eyes and saw a dyed blue haired girl shaking her awake. Kaya got up and looked at the girl again "I'm Sarah. I guess I'm being forced to be nice to you...Natasha's orders.

So put these on and knock on the door when your done." Sarah left the room and left Kaya alone. Kaya stared down at the clothes, fighting gear? Kaya looked across the room and saw a pair of high heeled fighting boots, she had seen Ruby fight with them on, but Kaya had never wore them....they seemed impossible to fight in but Ruby said that they actually helped with balance.

Kaya slipped on the right fitting gear and slipped on the boots, they were the perfect fit. When Kaya was done she knocked on the door and Sarah came in again "Follow me, Natasha wants to see you" she instructed, it was obvious that she was drunk on her limited power. Kaya followed her, on the way down the long winding hallway Kaya saw a library...oh how she missed her books, she had dozens and dozens at home.

Sarah caught her staring "Interested in books" she asked. Kaya nodded with a slight smile. Sarah's face turned into a grimace "Well if you behave then maybe we'll let you ha e one" Kaya opened her eyes wide and nodded fiercely.

They kept on walking for about two more minutes before they made it to the room that they were in yesterday. "Hello Mikayla, I love your new gear" Juni sneered Kaya nodded and looked across the room and saw Natasha by the fireplace looking intently in the burning flames. "Kaya, we need your help" Natasha said, without looking up.

"You do?" Kaya asked. Natasha looked up and smiled at Kaya "Yes, We need your full cooperation on this mission, we need to find Sebastian's sister and her allies...and my uncle, I need to get my revenge."

Kaya stared at her in shock "Who's your uncle" she asked, Natasha smirked at Kaya..."His name is Stephan, Jace Herondales father. He helped my parents escape from Valentine's wrath, they had to leave me behind in order to leave....and that means I need to get revenge. So Mikayla...are you in or not" she asked. Kaya took a step back and nodded "I'm in"

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