Already Jealous

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1st Person POV

I was lounging on the couch at Toriel's watching TV with my friend Frisk. Frisk was laying on top of me but I don't mind it since we were only friends and did this pretty much all the time at my own place. Toriel was out for the day so it was just the two of us lying on the couch... or so I thought.

Out of nowhere, Chara popped up out of nowhere and she seemed quite mad for some reason.

Chara: "Frisk..."

Frisk: "Yeah? What's up Chara?"

Chara: "Why... Are.. You.. ON TOP OF (Y/N)!"

Frisk simply giggled at her and felt a weird aura from Frisk causing me to realize she was planning something.

Then, out of nowhere, she decides to wrap her arms around my neck and go closer to my face. I guess she was teasing Chara but why? I really couldn't say or do anything there so my face just blushed and I tried to look away.

Chara's face seem to be a little bit more red when Frisk did that, which was honestly kind of cute, not going to lie...


Chara: "F-Frisk!! WH-What are you doing?!
St-Stop that now and get off of him!"

Frisk unwrapped her arms from my neck and decided just sit on my stomach. I still felt like Frisk was planning to do something and I was hoping she wouldn't say or do something embarrassing until she spoke...

Frisk: "Why do you want me to get off of him? I mean if you want to sit on top of him you could've just asked and I would've gotten off already!"

Me and Chara: "F-Frisk! Sh-Shut up!"

Me and Chara pretty much said that in sync, I felt my face heat up like hell and put hands in front of my face to cover my blush. I didn't know how Chara felt about this situation at all, I kind of wanted to see what she was doing but I couldn't.

I didn't know what Frisk was doing right there but then I heard some laughing.

Frisk *almost tearing up*: O-o... oh my god... oh my god... you guys are so easily flustered.... this is so much fun!"

(Y/N): "F-Frisk... Th-That's enough."

I put my hands down away from my face, still knowing some blush be there. Frisk looked at me confused but suddenly perked up. Her aura got stronger and I felt a little bit more scared on what she was doing next. Frisk suddenly jumped off of me and went straight into the kitchen. I decided to just relax for 5 minutes and see how Chara was doing

I looked back at Chara and saw how she was doing. Her face was kind of red but it didn't really matter since she looked cute, nonetheless... wait... did I just call her cute? I looked at Chara and suddenly made eye contact with her. Chara looked back at me and smiled, even after all that, it seemed like nothing ever happened even though.... *ahem* something happened.

I decided to get up from the couch and turn off the TV. I walked over to the kitchen and decided to make myself something to eat as well. I noticed Chara following me which brightened up my mood for a bit since she might sit next to me.

I sat on a chair next to the kitchen counter and Chara decided to just sit next to me on a different chair... she looks so elegant right now for some reason....

(Y/N): "Hey, Frisk?

Frisk looked back at me and replied with a "hmm?"

(Y/N): "Can you make me something to eat? I really wouldn't mind anything right now but you don't have to do it, if you can't then-"

Female Chara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now