S.even C.haotic H.ours O.f O.ur L.ives

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First period

(Y/N): "Uuuuuughhh... why does the first 30 minutes of class always start the same? We already did the pledge of allegiance and our teacher isn't even here!"

This class wasn't that bad though. It's a mixed class with monsters and humans that are roughly chill with each other but... there is a reason why I can't hang out with a lot people.

(C/F): "I know! I could be home watching anime right now-"

That's the reason.

Chara: "You really shouldn't be talking about that in school, y'know? You are going to get bullied..."

My face turned into a happy expression when I heard Chara's voice behind me.

(C/F): "Oh? You're here? Why?"

Chara: "Well, You guys are pretty much the only people I know in this class besides Frisk, and she is in the bathroom so I decided to hang out here."

(Y/N): "Oh, I knew you didn't actually like us..."

Chara: "N-no! I really like.... you..."

A large blush of red started to form on my face. Was she being serious?? Is she really confessing at a place like this?! Am I becoming delusional?!

Chara: "A-ah... I didn't mean to make that sound anything weird... I meant to say that I enjoy hanging out with you!"

I see Chara's face turn red as well... I can tell she's embarrassed just because she thinks that she just made herself look absolutely stupid....

...I kinda wanted what she said to be true though....

(C/F): "Hey, not trying to ruin this lover spat but speaking of confessions, what's up with you and Alisa?"

I kinda died a little on the inside when he started to mention her again... I just want to worry only about if Chara loves me or not...

Chara: "Yeah... I'm kinda interested too...! Why are you guys so close and do you know that she has a crush on you?"

Her voice became very deep and demonic and it kinda turned me on a bit-

Chara: "Hey! D-don't stare at me! Answer the fucking question!"

(Y/N): "Oh... well, me and Alisa have been childhood friends since.... well, my childhood! She confessed to me about a month ago and I haven't gave her a reply yet..."

I then feel a dark aura appear next to Chara and I think I know why she is very pissed...

(Y/N): "H-Hey! I know you're mad that I didn't reply and that I'm just leading her on! But I have been considering what I should reply with...."

Chara: "What do you mean by that, huh?"

Oh god oh fuck

(Y/N): "I-I-I.... um... c-can we change the subject? I-I gotta do homework and I'm pretty sure the teacher is about to come...."

I say this while taking out my math binder but it got slapped to the ground by a dark force...

Chara: "(Y/N).... I know you did your homework as soon as the break started.... so... T A L K ."

Female Chara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now