All about Chara

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Just a little chapter about Chara, sorry for the wait.
Chara's POV
The next day...

I wake up and feel a creepy smile on my face, probably from what happened yesterday.

Chara: "Ahhh... I wish yesterday could've lasted forever... too bad mom made me go home earlier then I wanted to... she only made pie! She could've waited for me to come home instead of forcing me to leave..."

Frisk: "Yeah... I know... I stalked you guys in a tree!"

Chara: "I know! You told me yesterday!"

Frisk: "Oh yeah... it was when I ask you about the jacket and you tried to cover it up saying you found it on the ground, Ms. Edgy."

Chara: "Y-Yeah... you can shut up though."

Frisk: "Yeah, I'll be quiet... If you can call
(Y/N) today!"

Chara: "I knew there was going to be a catch... can't I do it later? I have homework to finish up and I don't want to fail my grade..."

Frisk: "Fine... but you have to tell me today sooner or later.... also you slept in again so it's currently 1:30... how do you manage to even pull that off?"

Chara: "I just love sleeping! Also, give me the answers and then I'll consider calling (Y/N)."

I say this while giving her a very happy smile, she looks slightly annoyed but that's what she gets for being such a little stalking ho-

Frisk: "Hey, idiot. Do your work and stop daydreaming over there."

Chara: "Fine... But you should learn how to fuck off!"

Frisk: "I'm helping you though! You wouldn't have gone this far with him if it wasn't for me!"

Chara: "Gah... I hate it when you're right... but stop taking to me! I need to finish my work so I can draw (Y/N) later!"

Frisk: "Alright, alright.... but when you do, please give him pants...."

I blush deeply realizing that the other day, she found one of my.... 'interesting' drawings of

Chara: "...alright f-fine...."

She then leaves the room (fucking finally) and I then begin to do my work!.... or just copy down Frisk's answers for the work... it's so much though!

I walk towards my desk that's next to my bed and sit on the little stool and began working.
20 minutes later...


Frisk: "Don't you mean copy?"

Chara: "Sh-Shut up! What are you even doing here anyways??"

Frisk: "..we share the same fucking room?"

I sigh, realizing how stupid I sounded then whip out my phone.

Frisk: "You texting (Y/N) now?"

Chara: "N-no... not yet... I'm just messing around with my stuff..."

Frisk: "You should call (Y/N), I'm pretty sure he misses you!"

Female Chara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now