(Not a chapter) Questions!

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Alright so I have a couple of questions for you guys, my lovely readers that I love.

Question 1. Do you guys want me to continue on with that POV stuff or would you guys just want your own POV just so you guys can become more immersed into the story.

Question 2. Would you guys be mad if I won't be able to post every week rather every 1 or 2 weeks since I do have a second story.

Question 3. Longer chapters, shorter chapters, or is my chapter length plays with you.

Question 4. Even more background about everyone (including yourself)?

Question 5. Should Chara actually have powers like invisibility and others that she would have from undertale? If so, then what would you guys like to see or do you guys want me to pick it out.

That's all my questions for now, if you can, pleeeeaaaseeee answer them.

I love you all and I will post the newest chapter soon, see ya (≧▽≦)

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