~Movie Date~

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(L/n)= Last Name

Chara's POV


I begin to walk towards (Y/n) in a grumpy like manner and began to see the woman in a more clearer image.

She looked to be in her I think 30's and looks to be wearing some sort of clown makeup.... god she looks ugly wearing that... and her attire too! I mean... who even wear heels that high?? What a fucking psycho path....

Wait... I'm also that...

N-never mind that shit! This whore is literally all up in my husband's face! Doesn't she know that he already belongs to someone else???

I finally reached the two of them and proceeded to ask (Y/n) in a really calm, cool, and collected voice to ask him, what's the deal with him cheating on me with another woman, right before my eyes.

Chara: "Hey... (Y/n)... my lovely date... why are you blatantly cheating on me with another woman who literally looks like she is wearing clown makeup =)?

(Y/n)'a POV

Haha, I'm going to die now!

(Y/n): "W-w-wait! It's not what it looks like! It's actually-"

Moxxi then stood up to square up in front of Chara, and I honestly had no idea if a fight was going to happen and I was a bit scared.

Moxxi: "I'm fine with a few insults thrown my way, but if you call this clown makeup, I don't even want to hear it coming from you, you literally have ooze siping out of your eye sockets!"

Chara's still seemed a bit distorted but she was slowly coming back to... well somewhat regular Chara.

Chara: "You wanna go, slut? This is what happens when you try to steal another woman's man!"

Moxxi: "Oh honey... I already stole him away from you! But... I can steal more then just him away from you.... I can also steal his innocence~"

I felt my face began to heat up from her comment and I think this made Chara a tiny bit angry.

I then see Chara's face became agitated and annoyed once more, then a couple of floating red knives appeared behind her.

(Y/n): "Uh oh"

Chara: "Would you like to proceed with what you are saying and lose every ounce of blood in your body?"

Moxxi's face had no shown expression of fear on it, it was just a still cold blooded glare at Chara, but then it turned into.... laughter?!

Moxxi: "HaHaHa.... honey, did you really think I wanted to steal him away from you? I might look like a slut but.... well I actually am but like; I knew you two were together, I just wanted a bit of fun, that's all."

Me and Chara's face gave her a look of confusion and disbelief and Chara's face became normal once more.

Chara: "Are you serious? Did you really do that just to piss me off?"

Female Chara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now