Seriously? Another Romantic Incident?

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(Y/n): "So... Alisah... what's up?"

Alisah: "So... do you know how long we've been friends, (Y/n)?"

Ah... shoot... I... don't wanna answer that... because then she'll be like "We had so much experience that we should be considered a married couple by now! and blah blah blah."

Well... i just have to have to let her down gently just so i don't hurt her feelings.

Alisah: "I'm just wondering.. what makes Chara... well, Chara? Like... what does she have that i don't?"

Huh... that's... not what i thought she would say... well now i gotta change my response...

(Y/n): "Ah... well i can't really explain it on why i like her... it's just a feeling i guess... just put it how you think about me! Because... well, you think i'm"

Allisah: "Hot, amazing, smart, clever, funny, adorable, cute, cuddly, sweet, pure, and like pretty much perfection?"

(Y/n): "..Yeah.. that..." I say with a bit of concern.

She really sees me like that... woah...

(Y/n): "Well yeah... just think about it but with me towards Chara... i'm not trying to say anything bad but it's just like... i mean.... um... I can't really describe it but-"

Allisah then puts her finger on my mouth to silence me.

Allisah: "I know... don't worry about it... listen... we might need to talk about this more later but im glad i was able to have this convo with you... i have to head to work anyways so.. yeah... i'll catch you later!"

She then gave me a peck on the cheek and ran off with her stuff... huh... well... i thought we were done with that but i guess those feelings don't disappear instantly... do they?

I look off toward where she ran off to and smile. Well, hopefully she'll be happier this way and so that our friendship isn't totally jeopardized.

*(R/t) plays*

Wait... who's calling me at this time... I never get calls! I proceed to pull out my phone and oh... speak of the devil- er... demon!

I pick up the phone to answer the short haired cutie that was on the other side of the line.

(Y/n): "Aye wass poppin-"


(Y/N): "Well... it was going good.. but then you called and now it's going even better-"

I hear a crash on Chara's end and hear Frisk laugh at her faintly in the background.

Chara: "Sh-shut up Frisk! I was caught off guard! *Ahem* anyways!... how's it going?"

(Y/n): "Well... I'm heading home right now after talking to Alisa and-"

Her aura began to grow... maybe i should've left that part out...

Chara: "ReAlLy?... ThAt's gReAt..."

(Y/n): "Hehe... don't worry... i didn't do anything wrong this time... i hope... and you know i'll never betray you my Queen!"

Chara: "...Simp"

(Y/n): "Wow... guess i'll start simping for someone else then..."

Chara: "...I hate you..."

(Y/n): "Oh... you wish for it to be true"

I felt very confident with Chara for the past couple of days...I'm guessing that's a good thing. I wouldn't us to have bad chemistry with one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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Female Chara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now