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I am suffocating in my life,

unable to find air

after one crisis after another.

Building and building.

There are so many wrongs

I see

but I have no control over any of them.

I am powerless.

I try to gasp air between each wrong,

trying to find a new way to breathe,

because I am running out of air.

Thoughts interrupt thoughts,

my skin is tinglingly

I don't know where to go

where is my air?

My air is not here,

nor there,

it's actually over there.

But she is cutting off my air,

hiding it away,

watching my face turn blue.

There is another her,

more of an it,

destroying my lungs.

How can I go,

when I can barely be here?

I've made it so long,

there is no point to give up.

I love you,

but I hate the situation.

I don't want to let go,

I will not let go,

so I hang on with my cold dead grip.






How fast can my heart beat?

How much air can I hold?

How much can my heart bare?


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