<16> Narrative ¹

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Chaeyoung went home early. She excused herself that she needed to review for her upcoming exam tomorrow. She's been having a hard time focusing whenever she's at her work. So whenever she has time at school, she reviews.

She finished her phone to look back at their conversation earlier.

She finished her phone to look back at their conversation earlier

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She typed on and started typing to inform her that she already got home

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She typed on and started typing to inform her that she already got home. She wash up first and get her things up, taking a deep breath before she starts studying.

On the other hand, Mina is doing the same. She drowned herself, focusing on her study but at the same time thinking about Chaeyoung.

She actually doesn't know why her mind wanders about her when her body is busy studying. She can't keep still.

'Don't check your phone. Study first, chat later, Mina' She chanted like a mantra inside her. Keeping her mind on track of studying not on Chaeyoung's track. Through her eyes keep glancing at the upside down phone. She keeps it that way to not distract herself.

After an hour of studying both of them take some rest. It's almost midnight and the two of them were still wide awake. Chaeyoung turned on her phone and went to a chat app to check if Mina messaged her.

She bit her lips. Thinking what to type when she saw no reply nor seen her last message. 

"This makes me still awake at this ungodly hour

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"This makes me still awake at this ungodly hour." She mumbled. She smiled, somehow it motivated her to study tonight. Ignoring her tiredness and sleepiness, Mina took them away without her knowing. And the same way to Mina. For some reason, she was still wide awake.

As time passes by, Chaeyoung and Mina message each other. Checking each other about their progress.

 Checking each other about their progress

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"She really is tired." Mina utter while looking at her phone. "Good night, Chaeyoungie." She turns off her phone and closes her eyes.

To be honest, she was done reviewing when the clock reached 1am. She just wants to talk to her, be with her until she falls asleep. Because it's been a week since they were both busy preparing for their exam this week. Their talk, calls were limited. Both were giving each respect, not wanting to be a disturbance.

Mina was happy to stay beside her knowing that it helped her somehow to make her stay awake. Because she does the same for Mina.

Chaeyoung slept on her desk while holding her phone. She slept while waiting for Mina's reply. But it looked like tiredness took over her and the last thing on her mind was Mina. 


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