<80> Narrative¹³

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Chaeyoung automatically roam her hands space beside her. Eyes still closed so she doesn't know if Mina was there. Once she felt no other human, breathing beside her, she abruptly sat up, eyes wide open. She look at her side and there's no Mina beside her.

She shook her head and rubbed her eyes to take off her remaining sleep on her eyes. Once she's done - doing her morning routine: stretching and a little bit of workout - she went out of her room and there she head some rustling sounds coming from her kitchen. In cue, she smile knowing who's the person making some rustle sounds.

"Good morning" Chaeyoung's voice echoed, making Mina startled a bit. Turning her way to her and she smile.

"Good morning. Seems like you have the best sleep" Mina smile, giggling at Chaeyoung's cute morning face - hair slightly messy and eyes still half open. This was the best morning view she always want to see every morning and everyday.

"I have. It's because you're here" Chaeyoung boldly replied, already occupied the other seat while waiting for Mina to serve the already-cooked breakfast.

Mina waddle her feet back and forth, bringing plates and the foods she prepared. "Flirty this early morning, really Son Chaeyoung?" She said with a smile crept on her face.

Chaeyoung smile cheekily. "Then stop being you" Mina rose her eyebrows.

"Stop being me?" 

Chaeyoung nod. "Stop being you - being beautiful in this early morning with your baggy penguin pajama and and loose sweater with your messy bun hair" Mina chuckle while shaking her head, disbelief.

"You clearly are flirting" She took a sit in front of after she puts everything over the table. Chaeyoung giggled, grabbing some utensils and eat the food Mina had prepared.

Mina saw how Chaeyoung eat the food hungrily. She stop eating and grab some tissue and lean over to Chaeyoung to wiped those excess food around her lips.

"Slow down, don't eat too fast. You'll get indigestion" Mina said, leaning back and set aside the tissue and continue eating. Chaeyoung took a last spoon before answering.

She gulped. "Sorry. The food is amazing." That made Mina chuckle because they were having a simple american breakfast.

"It's been...I don't know how long it was since I ate decent breakfast" Chaeyoung stated making Mina stop eating, again.

"Are you skipping your breakfast or.."

"I either skip breakfast or have sandwich in 7/11 and a carton of milk while going to school" Mina sigh and shook her head.

"Chaeyoung, you know how important breakfast among the whole course of meal a day, right?" Chaeyoung nod while proceed eating again. "You have to eat breakfast. Starting for now on" Chaeyoung shrugged her shoulder.


"I know. You know what's my situation is right? I mostly took night shift or over time my normal schedule. I come home late at night or past mid night. I sleep between 3-5 hours a day or sometimes I don't" She put down her utensils and focus on Mina.

"I always waking up late due to tiredness of working everyday. That's why when I have a morning class - like right now - I usually didn't eat breakfast and just run to the nearest convenient store and bought sandwich or anything to eat while going to school. I don't have time cooking for myself nor stuffing food in my refrigerator since I always ate at my work place"

Mina soften. She knows about her eating at her work place. The latter always informed her when she's already or going to school, her time of working, her out and the time she already got home. She always asked her if she eat dinner, lunch and breakfast and she got an answer of 'yes'. But she didn't know behind those.

She reach of her hands and caressed it. "I'm sorry. Please, next time, don't skip or go to school either in work when you haven't eating anything. Do you understand?" Chaeyoung nod her head and smile a bit to ease her worry-ness.

"You know that I really have my best sleep" They both proceed eating again. 

"Why? Because I am here?" She mocked. 

Chaeyoung hummed. "Yes. Because you're here." Boldly she admitted making Mina blush. "No kidding aside. I have my longest sleep in my entire life - ok maybe I am exaggerating but that's how I described it" 

Mina giggled. 

"I am always so secured and home whenever I am with you. The presence of the real you. Not the person I talked through sns, or in my 6 inch smartphone having a video call. I like being with you" 

Mina only could stare at her, lovingly. If only they were in animated or cartoon shows, you can see heart in her eyes sending it Chaeyoung and vice versa.

"I really can't wait to graduate and to be with you. Having the best ring in the whole world to put it on your finger. I can't wait for that thing to happen - waking up every morning with you, seeing in the first thing in the morning is your beautiful bare face, back hugging you until you're done making breakfast, eating the food you cook, sharing heart conversation and went to work together. Going home tired after a whole day of working for us, coming home in your arms welcoming me with your sweet kisses and devour the dinner you made, chilling in the living room watching your favorites movies while cuddling. And lastly sleeping with you while we both cuddle each other and together drift to sleep. I want to see you first thing in the morning and last thing before I close my eyes"

Mina almost teared up hearing those.

"It may sounds weird, but I think that a lot -  what is the feeling of being with you in my life" She chuckle. Mina wipe her almost-falling tears.

"It's not weird because I dream about that too" Mina smile, "I love you. I really love you. I can't wait for that to happen"

After having those conversation. Chaeyoung prepared going to school. Mina also prepared some snack for Chaeyoung to eat whenever she feel hungry.

Mina also prepared too. "Let's go?" Chaeyoung nod her head and the two headed out of her flat and go to Chaeyoung's school.

Mina for sure will see her friends will be there too since Dahyun and Tzuyu will be going at the same school.

Once Chaeyoung and Mina arrived at the gate, Mina turn to face Chaeyoung to kiss her. "I love you, I'll be waiting for you to come home" Chaeyoung smile and lean over and kiss her too.

"I'll head straight to work after school. Don't wait for me."

"But I want to" Mina slightly pout. Chaeyoung gave in and kiss her again. 


"I'll cook dinner so better come home" Chaeyoung nod her head. "Go to your class now."

Chaeyoung pull her and kiss her. Moving her lips against her for a while before pulling off. "Here's the key of my apartment. Text me if you're going somewhere so I will know" 

"Yes, love. Bye, I love you"

"I love you too." Mina peck her lips for the last time.

"Chaeyoung the lover girl, come on" Jeongyeon came into picture. Putting her hands over Chaeyoung. Nayeon greeted Mina. "We'll go now" Chaeyoung wave her hands.

"Take care!" Chaeyoung added and Mina waved back and leave the school, meeting her friends Momo and Sana at the near cafe.


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