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Son Chaeyoung is calling...
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[Mina in bold letters and Chaeyoung in normal]

Chaeyoung immediately wave her hands when she saw Mina's angelic face appeared on her screen. "Hi baby!"

Mina smile widely and waved back. "Hi love! How are there?" Just like their usual conversation everyday, Mina always wanted to ask her situation.

Chaeyoung lean back on her bed head board and she smile. "Great. Just kinda busy since Christmas break is coming and need to fix things before that so nothing to worry about while on break"

Mina nod her head. She smile while examining her - Chaeyoung is smiling widely. "Looks like you're happy today, eh?" She tease her.

Chaeyoung's smile never leave her face. She shrugged, "Well, I am"

"And why's that?" She arc  her eyebrows. 

Chaeyoung giggled. "I'm just happy, can't I?"

Mina shake her head. "It's just, there is something behind your smile."

"What?" She smirk. Intimidating her.

Mina shrugged. "You just look happy, extra happy today. Why's that?" She asked curiously.

Chaeyoung shrugged her shoulder again while smiling. Teasing her a bit. "Nothing. I'm just happy."

Mina frown. "There must be a reason behind that. There are millions or maybe billions of reason to be happy. So why. Tell me" 

Chaeyoung chuckle at her uneasy expression. "Nothing really" 

Mina frown even more. "Tell me" 

"Fine. There must be millions or billions of reason why I am happy right now. But you know, there is just one thing that I am happy. Do you want to know what makes me happy?" 

"No, you tell me"


Mina gave her a puzzle look. "Me? Why me?"

"Because I have you. I have you in my life." Chaeyoung smile lovingly at her. Looking at her at the screen. Sure she missed her so much. It's been 5 months since they see each other and that time was their vacation.

"Touche" She giggled with a flushed face.

"And cheesy, I know" They both laugh together. 

And when the laughter died, Mina spoke. "I missed you" 

Chaeyoung look at her for a moment. "I missed you more" She smile apologetically. "I'm sorry that I can't come there. You know-"

"I know you're studying and working hard for us, for our future. You told me that many times and I understand." Chaeyoung look down, her arms still hang on her knee - holding her phone.

"Love, I understand. You don't have to be sorry." Chaeyoung nod her head, she still not looking at her. "Babe, look at me" Chaeyoung obeyed. "Stop what ever you are thinking, ok? Let's just plan for our future" She smile and Chaeyoung finally have her smile on her face.

"Ok. Since you mentioned our future. Where do you wanna live? Japan or Korea?" 

Mina think for a moment. "No, you decide. Where do you want to live?"

"No, you decide."

Mina sigh, "Babe, you let me decide to everything. It's time for you to decide what's best for us" Chaeyoung sigh helplessly. 

"Ok. What do you think is more convenient?" Mina shrugged her shoulder. 

"What do you think?"

Chaeyoung pursed her lips, thinking. "Since I still learning Japanese, especially in your region and since you speak Korean well, I think we should live here...?" There's a hesitation on her voice. 

Mina think for a while. Chaeyoung has a point. She still not know a lot of things in Japanese and since she can speak fluently in Korean, language barrier is not a problem for her.

"Ok, let's live in Korea then" She smile. Chaeyoung smile wider.

"Where specifically?"

"You know where I want. You choose where to live there. I don't know any good places to live there"

Chaeyoung think again. "You want a quiet place-" Mina hummed. "-not crowded or populated and away from the city, right?" Mina hummed again.

"So where?"

"Samcheong-dong" She stated. "It still located in Seoul, an hour away from the city. Perfect place for us" She smile proudly.

"Ok, we will live there" She smile back.

"But, is it a troublesome?"

"What do you mean?"

"The travel time. Is it too long for you?"

Mina smile and shook her head. "I don't care about the travel time. I just wanna live there with you. End of discussion"

"Ok" They giggled.

"I just want to remind you about the party for tomorrow" Chaeyoung nod her head, she give her a thumbs up.

"Thanks for reminding. I almost forgot. Have fun, but not too much since I am not there" Mina giggled and nodded her head. 

"Yes love. I will."

Their conversation takes more hours. Talking some random stuffs about their life and even their future - like what will they do and so on.

Until Chaeyoung fell asleep while Mina was telling her stories about her childhood. She stop when she heard no response from her. She saw Chaeyoung sleeping face, she's using her arms as her pillow and her hand was holding her phone. She giggled on how cute she is.

"Goodnight love. I love you" She lean in to her phone - imagining that Chaeyoung was on her side and kissed her phone screen. She even caressed her screen and turn off after few minutes of looking at her.

Mizpah [MiChaeng] ✔Where stories live. Discover now