Chapter 1 : A New War

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The Following lore you will see mentioned In this book is severely outdated and is no longer representative of current lore or how the Red Scarves act in the current cannon.

Please understand that everything you are about to read is SEVERELY outdated lore, therefore, you should not cast judgement unto the Red Scarves of the new lore, as they've changed with lore.

A remake of this with the new, up to date lore is planned, however.

Heck, even the way the Characters are described, how they act and their personalities and actions are also outdated.

So please, keep that in mind.

It has been 8 years since the people of Manufacturing World : Aphrodite had a single hint of Freedom from the rule of the Red Scarves and their unyielding fury.

Things haven't been the same ever since Sissinius and Liberalis lead their Red Scarf Traitor Legion here the war with them lasted a mere 5 Days before the planet's defences were completely overrun, as the Red Scarves sweeped through World after World in their part of the Galaxy.

A red plague.
The people called them.

Ever since the Red Scarves invaded they completely abandoned the use of streets on all 7 of their worlds and in their place built a vast train system connecting all buildings and factories to one another in order to keep track of the civilian population.

In fact all Red Scarf worlds are nothing more then factories from which to build more material and to draw more Resources from living in this worlds hasn't been the same the worlds before the Red Scarves came used to be powerful and prosperous.

Now only tyranny and absolute authority remain, from the ones free system.

People lived in cramped super towers some even able to hold 600.000 People designed specifically to make as much of the land industrialised for maximum use of the planet.

Over the cities Red Scarf  Traitor Legion warships patrol the skies, and thousands of Drones constantly observe and monitor the population on a macro level constantly watching like a little devils.

The Red Scarf Traitor Legion, is a former Covenant Legion that one's served their masters with distinction, founded by Marcus Crassus the Red Scarves are known for being a effective force with its legionaries being famed for being indomitable however due to Crassus's death by the hands of Covenant conspirators the Red Scarves turned Traitor led by Gauis Sissinius and Gauis Liberalis who's names rang like a call to freedom the Red Scarves escaped taking with them stolen Covenant cloning technology used to make Covenant clone soldiers : the Back bone of the Covenant army.

The Clones are not traditional clones they have different faces different personalities and traits all of them unique but still based from the same Gene Pool. But only a fraction of clones were in the Armies