Chapter 15 : Elbe Offensive

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As Tech Priest Dante was returning to Italica from Alnus Hill, he was contacted by Legate Varus, through the comms technology within his machine body.

“ Tech Priest Dante, I trust the Japanese are pacifist like we thought ? ” asked Varus, Dante simply replied.

“ They were, though admitively  they were heavily armed for  pacifists. ” replied The Tech Priest, then Legate Varus speaks up.

“ Right, get to my location. On the border with the nation state of Elbe. Gaius Sissinius has approved of my proposed Offensive meneuver to cut this Empire short of places to Run, we need a Tech priest. ” said Varus over the comms his tone was a mix of both his Seriousness and a sense of calm and a sense of delight that his offensive was approved.

“ I am on the way Legate Varus. ” replied Dante, Dante looks over to the horizon and contacts a nearby Dropship, moments later The Dropship arrives and transports Dante to Elbe.

As the Dropship lands and the Dropship doors opened Dante walked on the earth to see the 14th Penal Legion and Red Scarves from the 15th and 16th Legion of Red Scarves alongside elements of Infidel Tripods, Rocket Tanks, Dropships even 2 Battle cruisers alongside Armored Legionnary Carrier or A. L. P.s.

Dante walked up to a Rocket Tank where Legate Varus commanded and Directed from with his usual no nonesense attitude towards the enemy.
“ I see you've arrived Tech Priest Dante. ”

“ All the same to you Legate, quite the number of Legions you've amassed. ” said Dante, and Legate Varus replies
“ Be on alert Dante, I brought this much firepower because we have a secondary objective : Detain The Flame Dragon. ”

The Tech Priest's red eyes looked at him with interest, Dante was sparked to life with this revelation. " Flame Dragon?” he said.

“ That's right Tech Priest Dante, that's why I requested that you come. Your Technology would prove useful in its capture. Gaius Sissinius wants to use it as an Inforcer as he knows that Dragon is feared and for good reason. Of course if it were up to me. As the Commander, I would disapprove and kill it. But, still orders are what they are. Orders. ” then As Varus looked out into the Mountain landscape of Elbe Varus would use the terrain to his advantage. As Infidels and Rocket Tanks along side A. L. V.s can traverse this land easily.

As The Legions were ready to march and battle their way through Elbe and its remaining military forces, Varus gave the order to advance.

The Battle Cruisers went ahead as a Vanguard unit using their energy projectors and heavy weaponry to destroy any potential dragon's nest or Military hideout, while also towering and intemidating the enemy, then Varus advanced with the main body of all 3  Legions Varus himself leading the charge with other Rocket Tanks and Infidel Tripods followed by Penal Legionnaires and Red Scarf Legionnaires in their ALCs or Dropships or riding on the Rocket Tanks themselves.

Whatever resistance they encountered were either surrendered or died not being able to make much of a Resistance againts The Red Scarves as they Blitzkrieged they way through Elbe.

When Varus and his forces reached The Capital of Elbe the current ruler of Elbe spooked to death with the display of Fire power of the Red Scarves surrendered without a fight.

Legate Varus marched his Legions triumphantly through the streets, until Varus dismounted his Rocket Tank, Tech Priest Dante following him and so the negotiations for Elbe's complete unconditional surrender begins with Dante acting as Translator as his machine body can translate perfectly.

“ Now then will you two gentlemen have wine ? ” asked The Young Ruler of Elbe. For a child he was quite calm about the situation, Dante translates every word with perfection.

“ Here are our Terms, we want the complete and utter surrender of all Elbe forces, and for your little principality. To be a Client State, of The Red Scarves. ”

The bastard ruler of Elbe was insulted by this unfair terms and said " Your insolence are an insult to me and my honor ! ” the king was clearly enraged, but Varus simply sat their calm and unhinged.

“ Are you resisting ? ” said Legate Varus and the bastard ruler of Elbe decided to put 'equal terms' with The Red Scarves which involves half of Elbe's land and right to mines and other such riches, but as soon as Tech Priest Dante translates, Legate Varus simply laughs at him when asked why he laughed. Varus simply replied “ You are no where near the power that we hold, as far as we're concerned your Barbarians playing dress up. ”

The King of Elbe looses his patience and he and a few other nobles and guards attack Varus, only for Tech Priest Dante to step in Dante uses multiple mechanicle tendrils and attacks the Gaurds uses the tendrils to kill them to the point of mutilation, the remaining Nobles were shot by Red Scarves and Penal Legionnaires, and the ones prideful King of Elbe was on his knees horrified at the display to death and power.

And The Tech Priest they call Dante snaps his neck with his bare hands, The King of Elbe's actions alone would cause the deaths of a Million Saderans and thousands of Falmartians and would permanently seal this world's fate and even the World of JSDF would fill the influence of The Red Scarves.

But before the final push into The Empire can be accomplished the Flame Dragon must be destroyed.