Chapter 4 : The JSDF

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“ Unless you have a death wish, the threats can end right now ”

The lieutenant and his men were shocked to hear them speak English, and one of them asks
“ Who are you? And where did you get Assault Rifles ?”

Victrix replies while still pointing his STG 14 assault Rifle.
“ I am veteran Legionnary Victrix, this are my men were Penal Legionnaires of the Red Scarf Traitor Legion”.

“ lieutenant Itami, third recon unit, Japanese self defence force”
Victrix takes of his helmet, reassuring them that he is a human.

Revealing seasoned war veteran from the wrinkles on his face Victrix was somewhere in his 60s
With white hair and a prosthetic eye.

“ Wait your human?” asked Itami, Victrix replies
“ do I look like a barbarian
to you young lad ?” 

Victrix waves his hands at his Legionnaires motioning them to stand down Victrix faces Itami
“ now back to matter at hand, where did you come from? surely your not along the primitives of this world.”

Itami speaks up and says they came from a land they call Japan a brief conversation between the two begins to take root, as Itami explains the Japanese were attacked after a mysterious Gate appeared in Ginza.

And in return Victrix told him about the same incident that had transpired within Manufacturing World : Aphrodite and the valient defense against the Invaders.

“ And so we were sent here ”  said Itami.

Victrix was about to say something else when he hears Dean's voice over the radio.

“ Victrix are you at Coda?!” from the tone of his voice Dean is clearly distrest, Victrix gets on his comms system and replies.
“ We are here at the village Decanus.”

“ Good get everyone outta there! Now! There is some kind of Dragon that attacked us. No survivors apart from 3 elves one of which being a girl no Penal Legionnaires died.”
Dean said.

Victrix complied and reassured Dean that he was going to do so and he also informed them about the Japanese forces here before turning off his comms and getting to work.

As Itami told the chief what happened everyone in Coda started evacuating, in the chaos one family and their carrage got tipped over and the family now lay dying on the floor.

A Japanese Medic. Meri tries to help her as she tried to stabalize her one of The Penal Legionnaires got in the action kneeling down and offering to help.

“ My name is Thomas, I can help you”

“ nice to meet you Thomas can you help me stabalize her?”

Thomas uses the scanner his arm to scan the girl not a moment later the device scans the results show on a Hologram.

“ Dammit, life threatening injuries. She got hit at the back of the head possible internal bleeding she'll die in a matter of minutes.”

Mari got to work, trying to stablize her just then another girl comes in this one appeared to be older. Thomas's guess she's about 16 to 17 years old he judge her to be about 5.3 and her hair was a light blue blue.

She kneeled down and looked at the girl trying to help her recover but to no avail.

Thomas tried to communicate
“ Hey Kid, it isn't save here. Go back. ” but the girl only stared at him with confusion.

Then from behind the horse freaked out and was about to hit the blue haired girl.

But before the horse could even land at hit. Loud sounds RANG Across the village BANG... BANG... BANG... BANG...

then in few moments the horse lay dying bloodied and even its head even exploded from the impact of one bullet the horse was nothing but a bloodied mess on the street no longer recognizable.

Thomas turned to his right and saw that it was one of his Penal Legionnary comrades and a JSDF soldier who took the shots.

Mari looked at the girl and asked
“ Hey! Are you alright!?” the little girl sat there in silence then muttered in her language.
“ This... People, saved my life.”

Moments later both The Penal Legionnaires and the JSDF moved out of the village moving in a single column along the way one of itami's subordinates by the name of Takeo saw something on his scope.

“ Heads up chief, we got something moving up the road ahead of us.”

Itami got on his radio and informed everyone before taking a look see.

He saw more of those Penal Legionnaires. And what appears to a tank of sorts with what he could only assume to be rocket launchers on either one of its sides and what appears to be a machine gun where the turret would be.

« Penal Legionnaires point of view»

As Dean and his men rode the Rocket tank they requested as reinforcement, back at the village.

Dean came across a group of heavily armed people and vehicles on the rode even with a  quick glance he could tell this are not the primitives they fought.

One of Dean's men aims his Assault Rifle at them and the Gunner of the Rocket tank armed his Heavy Machine Gun at them

“ Hold your fire. And do not shoot unless you are shot AT” Dean said.

Dean lipped off The Rocket Tank and approached them razing his assault Rifle up high and spoke in English.

“ Don't shoot! I'm not your enemy!”

Itami recognizer his armor as Penal Legionnary issue armor and gear.

One of his Subordinates a Girl by the name of Shino stepped in saying “ Sir? Your orders ? ” Itami simply replied “ Do not shoot we don't need to open fire.”

Dean seeing that they weren't about to open fire lowered his Rifle and gave a thumbs up to his men before motioning them to move forward.

The Rocket tank moved forward and stopped just behind Dean, Takeo and Shino looked at the Rocket tank which looked about the same size as theirs.

Dean walks over to the window and before Itami could lower the window Victrix and his men landed in the Dropship its routing engines were so powerful it blew cold wind at them then as it landed Victrix and The other Penal Legionnaires rush over to Dean.

“ Decanus ! Veteren Legionnary Victrix reporting !” He gives a salute along with the others.

Dean looked at them and said
“ Good to see you Victrix. I take it  you made it to Coda Village.”

Itami looked at them through the mirror as they talked.

Victrix told Dean about the plan to get this people away and about The Japanese self defense force that willingly helped them

“ Really?” Dean walked over to side door and Itami opened the small windshield mirror and the two started the conversation.

“ I take it your the Leader. I am Dean Mcreed I'm sure you've meet my men and Victrix.”

“ Yogi Itami. JSDF were from Japan.”
Dean lowered his Rifle and slung it on his shoulder.

Itami continued the conversation
“ So your the leader ey? So can you tell me something? What are we dealing with ?”

Dean took of his helmet, revealing his refined and smooth face, he was cute with Blue Eyes though his hair could use a coulm.

Shino looked at Dean and he smiled at her. Shino blushes red Dean said

“ Were dealing with what one of the Elves call “ A Flame Dragon ” from what I've seen it has... A stubborn attitude.”

Itami replies.
“ Well is their any way to fight it off or something ? ” Dean said
“ It's Skin is highly resistant to bullets only our High explosive rounds could penetrate its exterior”

Itami went silent.

But Dean reassured him saying
“ Don't be worried. Trust me I've faced far worse. And besides we have a Rocket Tank. ”