Chapter 5 : Country Road

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Ive rangled and I've rambled
And I've rodeod around
And everyone's thought of
Settling down.

But darling the moment
I layed eyes on you
I knew my rambling days
We're through.

Made up my mind
A long time ago
When the right man
Came along somehow
I know.

Heart as true, eyes as blue
And a smile as wide
As a western sky

Let's ride into the sunset together
Sturn up to Sturn
Side by side
When the day is through
I'll be here with you
Into the sunset we will ride

Yodelay hu. Yodelay hu.
Yodelay yo de lay yo delay 2x

I'll your cowgirl
If you'll be my cowboy
You'll be my dear.
I'll be your roar

When the day is done
Home will be waiting
Like a movie with a
Happy ending!

When the day is through
I'll be here with you
Into the sunset we
Will ride.

Yodelay hu Yodelay hu
Yodelay Yo de lay yo de lay2x

The JSDF and the Cods villagers hear the Penal Legionnaires sing some song one can't help but wonder what the song is “ Let's ride into the sunset together?” .

One of whom was a women if Itami remembers from his conversation with Dean her name is Cass.

As the people were travelling along the Poorly made dirt road Dean and 6 of the Penal Legionnaires led the column riding in The Rocket Tank while Victrix and Thomas were positioned to the rear of the collumn with an army jeep of the JSDF.

While the more heavily armored elements of the JSDF forces were with the rocket tank.

Dean motions Cass to hand him a mix tap and he inserts it into a on board music player in the tank.

It plays a song called "Cliffs of Dover" The Music plays loud and clear Dean kicks back and relaxes to the tones.

Itami who was in a army jeep next to Dean and the rocket tank liked the music so much he opened the windowed and asked Dean

“ Hey! Dean! What's the song?!”
Itami had to make his voice loud as the music of guitars drums and other instruments filled the air with a feeling of Adventure.

Dean turned to Itami and said
“ It's called Cliffs of Dover! It's one hell of a song! Concidering Dover is a Covenant world! ”

Itami smiled and said
“ That is some pretty sweet tones man!” Dean laughed and replied
“ I Appreciate your compliment!”
Dean the Penal Legionnaires enjoy the tones from the Rocket Tank's on board music player and its sound systems, the JSDF also enjoyed it. It gave them a feeling that they were on a adventure of sorts.

“ BTW! Who's the blue haired girl?!” asked Dean

“ Lelei!” said itami
The People from Coda village can hear the music all the way to the back, and the children seem to enjoy it to spite the Fire Dragon the music calms them down even makes them happy at times.

As for The Adults of Codathey get mixed feelings, some like others hear it and get irritated.

Victrix and Thomas hear the music from the back of the column both hitching a ride in a JSDF army jeep. Victrix simply checked his weapons, Thomas on the other hand grabs his STG 14 and started playing it as if its a guitar Victrix chuckles and nods
A JSDF soldier who was driving jumped in and asked Victrix
“ Do you guys always play music ? ”

Victrix answered
“ Yes, we play it on our Rocket Tanks to help pass time, it's military policy to help raise spirits ”

“ Oh. I thought you guys were doing it just for the hell of it,the names Furuta if your wondering”

“ My name is Edward Victrix, I'm what you call a veteran Legionnary ”

Furuta turned around for second and saw that Victrix is Old. Furuta's guess is that he is 50 or 60 years old.

Victrix asked Furuta
“ So tell me young lad, how does it feel to fight in another world far away from home? ”

Furuta smiled a little and answered “ Well it definitely feels like a fantasy to me I mean we have dragons flying around and Orks and what not. How about you? ”

Victrix reached for his pockets and showed Furuta a picture of when he was fighting on planet Heras 10 years ago his hair was starting to get white by then.

“ I was 50 at the time, so I have ten years of combat experience for me War is just a challenge that can be overcome and conquered. ”

Furuta asked Victrix about the his world. “ Wait are you guys in the soace age”

“ I suppose you can put it that way but by now we already travel the stars in warships we're thousands of years ahead you in terms of Technology and military though I appreciate a nation at work in space age technology. ”

Furuta's eyes widen. He was about to say something but it died out before he could say it
Victrix noticed and said
“ Oh don't worry Lad, you'll get up there soon enough with your technology ”  he says it in a reassuring tone.

Furuta smiled and thanked the Penal Legionnary. As he understood how technology inferior the JSDF is compared
to them.

At the front of convoy Dean looked back at the coda villagers they seem to like his tones concidering his played it for the last 5 minutes.

Cass would asked Dean something.

“ Sir, do you always play this ? ”

Dean would reply
“ Yes! I know your new to my Contubernium so get used to it your a newly recruited soldier after all. The reason I accepted you is becouse tend to do well with an Assault Rifle. ”

Cass being new to the Penal Legions of The Red Scarves would simply reply “ Thank you sir. ”

However the Cliffs of Dover song met its end. And Dean removed it and and searches around for another great song.

« Coda Villagers point of View »

As we ride the road away from the flame dragon, the people took comfort in Dean's music but allas it ends.

Lelei and master cato was among them “ Boy I could really use a drink”

Lelei turns to him and said
“we won't be able to stop for awhile”

Lelei turns to Dean and his Rocket Tank. Or at least thats what she thinks its called, with curiosity and interest as it was both The JSDF and the Red Scarves who saved her.

But just then the gunner on the rocket tank spotted something on both his combat Scope and radder systems.

“ Decanus! There's a little girl on the road ahead.”