Chapter 2 : On Septemper The 7th

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A message. A warning. A war.

As Gauis Sissinius stands in his throne room looking out to Fortress World : Mars.

He couldn't help but think of what exactly his gonna do to this people who attacked his as of yet undiscovered corner of space, but Sissinius will go to war against this people he had every reason to after all they were attacked by an unknown, potentially dangerous adversary and though their primitives they are still in potential striking distance of his small but strong empire.

Gauis Sissinius turns his head looking away from Fortress world : Mars and looks at Gaius Liberalis and says :

" Liberalis, your the diplomatic one, so i must ask are you going to open diplomacy?"

Liberalis looks at him, his facial expression shows disappointment and he gives a sigh saying " No, I'm afraid not this people tried to take Manufacturing World : Aphrodite from us and based on our reports they seem content to keep fighting"

Sissinius walks around the room as in contemplating what The Red Scarves should do next and then replies " so your willing to go to war and go along with what I have in mind?"

Liberalis replies " yes" and after a brief pause he continued saying
" though it pains me dearly not to have at least talked to them I know it's for the greater good old friend"

Sissinius walks up to him and pats his shoulder, reassuring him
"I promise you old friend, all will be well".

" I can only hope so... Brother."
Said Liberalis, then Sissinius walks up to his office table and uses a Holographic communicator to all Legion and Fleet Commanders.

The communicator's holographic projection expands to the whole table and all Legion and Fleet Commanders are put through all of them looking at Sissinius awaiting their orders.

" Attention all Red Scarf forces this is Gauis Sissinius, we have concluded the attack on Aphrodite a declaration of war against our interests.

And now we have but one order for all of you make your to Aphrodite, I want Legions 2 to 15 and Fleets 4 to 6 to met their as for the rest of you... You are to guard our worlds from outside threats while we begin the conquest of The Gate."

Sissinius's words rang like raven wanting to pick its pray's meat from its bones.

The Legion and Fleet Commanders comply.

And all together they say :
"Nach deinem Willen, Sissinius.

Waren bereit zu sterben, wenn es sein muss

Nun reißen Sie einfach unsere Hände, wir rufen alle Schlachtbrüder an.

Dies sind die Momente, die in die Geschichte eingehen werden."

Translation :

By your will Sissinius. Were ready to die if need be Well simply raze our hands, we're calling out to all battle brothers. This are the moments that will go down in history necessary evil is among them and we will conquer with infamy!

Sissinius nods at this and motions them to carry on with the operation.

He then turns to Liberalis, it will be a new war my friend, let us see what kind of war we got ourselves in come we go to Aphrodite."

The took walk out the room escorted by Red Scarf Traitor Legionnaires as Bodyguard.

Leaving the room empty.

= 3 Months later =

3 months had past and in those Months Sissinius had prepared his armies and fleets for the invasion.