Chapter 8 : Rosh Hill

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As the evacuation of the Coda villagers is underway again the evacuation attempt reaches the area the locals call Rosh Hill.

Heavy rain had set in the roads turned into mud. Dean stood atop his Rocket Tank looked up to the sky.

Everything was quite. Then the silence was broken by the sounds of thundering engines from the sky as the Dropship catched up with them, Dean radiod the pilot.

“ What took you so long ? ”

The pilot gets on comms, and he says.

“ I had to respond to a call for airsupport, Legate Varus has already issued full offensive menuevers against all empire forces. ”

Dean asked the pilot
“ and how much enemy territory did we capture ? ” the Dropship pilot relayed information to Dean's combat visor and said
“ Take a look. ”

Dean reviewed the information and saw the Red Scarves were making progress, Red Scarf Traitor Legion forces such as Legio XIII and LEGIO IV have advanced 2000 miles inland and due to the Red Scarves advanced technology and superior Legionnaires, entire cities were captured within mere hours.

Already 8 of the Empire's major cities and 15 small towns were conquered, as battle lines buckled and at last broke against a tide of indomitable Red Scarf and Penal Legionnaires.

“ I assume we met armies along the way ? ” said Dean.

The Dropship pilot replied
“ We did but it was militia we encountered almost no real military opposition, I don't think they would have lasted long any way. ”

“ And how long did the offensive take ? ” asked Dean and the Dropship pilot replied.

“ One Day, we achieved this becouse Varus attacked all cities simultaneously with the use of speed, shock and superior technology, most cities just surrendered upon seeing our Battle cruisers Sir. ”

“ Did they all fight ? Or did you just walk in ?” asked Dean the Pilot replied

“ We fought for at least 4 of them and we killed every defender within and the civilians were horrified at our desplay of military genius, superior technology and unwavering fury and loyalty, Sissinius has already began building Manufacturing plants ”

Dean cuts him off in his sentence
“ So Sissinius wants to turn the empire into another manufacturing world ? ”

“ Yes ” replies the pilot.
Then Dean cuts off communications and turns to Cass.

“ How powerful is that Apostle back there ? ” asked Dean. Cass looked at him and said “ She maybe a feared individual in this world but she isnt even close to the power exhibited by a Conduit. ”

“ So she isn't as powerful as we initially thought ? ” Cass show him a Hologram from her hands showing energy readings.

“ That girl is powered by a God Decanus, all energy readings confim it. ”

“ She isn't being fed that much energy and power... At least by our worlds standards. Though I advise caution as soldiers we must never judge a book by its cover. ” Said Cass.

“ Then we leave her be if she doesn't interfere with Red Scarf activity, if she wants to help us then so be it. ” Dean replied.

The Coda villagers morale was low. Sucken deep into a sea of despair and fear of dying by the hands of a monster.

By this point the children have devoured Dave's Chocolate bar. But even the comfort of Sweets can't pull their minds away from fear.

Then the Children hear footsteps they look out of their carrage and saw 2 Penal Legionnaires one of whom removed his helmet revealing a bald man with no hair on his head but he was a nice looking fellow, as he smiles at the kids who looked at him and he waves his hand he introduced himself to them as 
“ Saxton ”

The other one wasn't so social he walks ahead and didn't mention his name only when Thomas called him out did the villagers including lelei know his name
“ Faustinus Africanus  ”

But something was off about Faustinus, he never spoke to anyone not even Thomas and when he did talk to him he simply said “ To your duties Thomas old friend. ”

And when he walked the villagers swear they hear rattling noises at first glance it sounds like steel hitting something strong.

Even Itami couldn't help but look back and hear the rattling from Faustinus.

Saxton went up to Dean and asked “ Sir what are the rules of engagement ? ” Dean turned to him and simply replied
“ any threats are to be shot in site, this is the rule of engagement ”

“ I'm assuming this applies to criminals of all types in this world ? ” Saxton says, he never did like criminals nor did he like slavers, he'll send them to hell if he could.

“ Of course. ” said Dean “ The Special region is a new world my friend, it couldn't hurt to be cautious, who know maybe this world has crime syndicates we need to flush out. ” Dean said.

“ This is just like Sallovar's expedition. ” Saxton said, he continued by saying “ If he and his crew were here, it be more then worthy to be another legendary adventure. ”

Faustinus, approached the men who called themselves the JSDF and he walks up to where itami is seated and he looks at itami his eyes all Red because of his helmet.

He knocked on the window with his hands, getting Itami's attention, itami opens the window “ What's wrong ?” asked Itami.

“ I was wondering, where did you come from ? ” asked Faustinus.

“ Where from the country Japan. ” said Itami though he wasn't sure if he said it right.

“ I see, tell me what's your world like ? ” asked Faustinus curious as to who this people really are his curiosity was fed as the convoy of civilians was slow to move.

Faustinus learned much from the young Itami, learning about their culture and about the world they live in after the second World War, which Faustinus commented “ Its Ringmasteress Amata's reunification again. ”

As he turned to Thomas he saw him talking with that blue haired girl, he commented.

“ Poor lad, can't find love so he doughted on that blue haired girl, but I appreciate a man searching for his sweetheart. ”

Cass then picks something up on radar “ Decanus, I'm picking something up on radar, it's a large reptilian creature, all signs confirm it's that fire dragon. ”

“ All units! Prepare for combat! NOW! ”