Chapter 10 : Gaius Jockies Liberalis.

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The people from Coda were amazed by the military installations of the JSDF, although Dean and his Contubernium merely stood there examining the base and the main headquarters.

“ So tell me something Dean, do you have a base here too ? ” asked itami, Dean turned to him and replied “ Yeah, although it was much, much larger then yours. This whole camp only makes up 1/4 of the Citadel. ”

Itami turned to him in shock.
Dean can tell his having trouble processing all this information. Dean then continued by saying.

“ It's not a camp really, more like a Citadel. With a star port, massive subterranean Armories and Legion barracks capable of holding up to 300.000 Legionnaires per Legion Barracks, and we have 20 Legion Barracks.

And supply lines coming in either through the Gate or by our ships cruising back and forth from Aphrodite to the empire thetre of war. And their is large amounts of empty space, God knows what Sissinius is going to do with it. ”

Itami went silent, and Dean said
“ Oh sorry, I didn't mean to boast.  ”

Itami snapped out of it and said
“ Oh no. Its alright its just that... With all your tech and Manpower, I just can't help but think about what your leaders are gonna do to the empire. ”

Dean gave a sigh before looking out into the distance saying
“ Gauis Sissinius isn't gonna be convinced the war is over until every damn Imperial soldier and Leader is either dead or dying, we've already taken half the empire's territories and Sissinius has approved the second massive offensive to begin in 3 Days. And he won't accept anything but TOTAL victory. ”

“ Yeah that's the problem, I want to show them a better way that we're not this big enemy if theirs. ” said Itami.

Dean looked at him and said
“ If that want your country wants, then so be it. After all who are we to interfere with the affairs of free and law abiding people ? ” Dean slowly walked past Itami then he asked

“ Is this Sissinius guy really gonna go to war ? ” Dean heard and said.

“ If he gives the order then yes. I have an obligation to follow orders as a soldier. But in doing so we must be ready to embrace the harsh and brutal reality of the world around us. That's our way if war and it always will be. ” Dean then walks past Dean but he says one last line to Itami.

“ Also straighten up your act Itami, your a fan boy I can tell, but that doesn't mean you get to be a lousy soldier. ”

As he walked past Saxton and Faustinus notice the technological barrier between them and this Japanese soldiers.

“ Amazing, a few thousand soldiers with no knowledge of wider universe before them. And yet they found their way here. ” commented Faustinus.

Saxton looked at him and then looked at a few soldiers doing target practice and he said to him
“ Oh. You know what this reminds me of ?”

Faustinus looked at him awaiting an answer and Saxton responded
“ Fire and Steel Traitor Legionnaires on a turkey shot. ”

Faustinus looked at him and said
“ I don't see what you mean by that my friend, but what do you think ? Can they be trusted or not ? ” Saxton looked at him and said “ I Don't see why not. I mean sure their foreign but that doesn't mean we can get acquainted. ”

“ I suppose so. Very well I shall hold my judgement for now. ” said Faustinus and both walk back to the Rocket Tank.

Dean and his Contubernium did what they could to help the people from Coda, then a Dropship appears the JSDF soldiers were stunned and amazed at the Dropship, but Dean reassured them that it was one of theirs.

Then Penal Legionnaires and Dean stood up approaching the Dropship, and when the Dropship doors open 8 Red Scarf Traitor Legionnaires and much to their surprise is Gaius Liberalis.

The Penal Legionnaires salute Liberalis, who then proceded to smile and salute at the Penal Legionnaires and he says.
“ At ease soldier, where is the commander of this base ? I need to talk to him regarding our presence here. ”

A JSDF officer hears him and happily leads Liberalis to general hazima, there Gaius Liberalis answered the questions the JSDF had which included the two types of infantry the Red Scarves utilised Penal Legionnaires and Red Scarf Legionnaires, through Liberalis' diplomatic skill he manages to convince the JSDF to come to an agreement. Which recongnized Red Scarf control over whatever land they siezed and would form a non aggression pact and in return the Red Scarves would share their
Technologies with Japan.

An offer Hazama nor the Japanese government couldn't refuse.

Then as Liberalis exited the Japanese base, Liberalis turned to Dean and he gave an order
“ Decanus, Sissinius and I don't not recall giving you an order to execute an Evacuation. ”

Dean stepped up and claimed responsibility for the evacuation.
“ It was my suggestion sir. As a soldier I couldn't let this people die. ”

“ I can understand what you mean, so I will give you a warning and not a court Marshall, next time check in with high command before doing arrends for others. ”
Said Liberalis.

Dean nods and replies “ Yes sir.” Liberalis chuckled a bit and gave him and his Contubernium new orders.

“ Alright soldiers. Get ready Sissinius wants to sieze the city the locals call Italica. Its a fortified city, and we're sending a whole Legion of Red Scarves and a whole Legion of Penal Legionnaires. So return to your Legion. ”

Dean Salutes and Takes their Dropship back to their respective Legion, Liberalis then goes to the Rocket Tank and orders its crew to follow his Dropship to Italica.

As they leave the Rocket tank keeps a steady pace, and not long after they reach the outskirts of Italica The Dropship lands in the forests where Penal Legionnaires 14th and Red Scarf Legionnaires of the 15th Legions were waiting for orders to storm the place.

Legate Varus approaches and salutes Liberalis and says.
“ Liberalis, we're ready to begin assaults on the city. Sissinius has assigned us to a Van guard Role. ”

“ I've noticed craters and heard sounds of fighting on the way here, explain yourself Legatus. ” said Liberalis.

Legatus Varus, pointed at a dead bandit. And he said.
“ On the way we encountered a Bandit Army, so I gave the order to attack, and we took no prisoners. ”

Liberalis sighs and says.
“ What a shame, sometimes I wish I could just lead a diplomatic mission, but in any case let's go shall we ? ”

Both Liberalis and Varus approach the walls of Italica with a Cohort of Red Scarf Legionnaires as escorts.