Chapter 11 : Blitzkrieg On The Empire

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Liberalis and Varus, alongside a cohort of red scarf Legionnaires approach the walls. With his hands behind his back, Liberalis said “ I don't suppose the people in charge of this place will just let us in like we're honored guests. ”

Legate Varus looks at Liberalis and asked “ If I may Liberalis. ”

“ Speak. ” said Liberalis, Varus speak up “ I'm afraid we may have to storm the city, from what I've seen when we took the other cities of the empire. Its defenders are dogged often times we had to kill everyone who can present themselves as an enemy. ”

“ I don't want to use force if it can be helped Varus, so we present them with two choices either surrender or we begin conducting assaults. ” commented Liberalis.

As the Two men walk closer to the city Gate Liberalis can hear the cocking of guns from the Cohort if Red Scarves, then one of the city defenders shouts

“ Hey ! Stay right there ! Or we will loose arrows ! ”

Liberalis having learned much of their language has become fluent “ I came not to fight today, merely to ask your surrender. ”

But before Liberalis could continue, he was pulled back by Varus “ Sir! ” he said, he pulled him back just in time to avoid an Arrow being shot at him. Varus and Liberalis now see this people will not surrender. And with sigh of regret Liberalis gave the order
“ Legate Varus, storm the city. ”

Legate Varus sends a radio to the  Legions “ Prepare to Attack ! Form Testudo ! ”

The Cohort sorrounds the Legate and Liberalis forming a Testudo formation, try as the defenders might their arrows did nothing,  their shields were designed to halt Hales of Bullets with the type of metal their made from.

The Red Scarf Legionnaires return fire using a small hatch at the right side of their shields to fire from quickly dispatching the defenders on the walls.

Then Rocket Tanks emerged from the forests blowing the walls and the Gate wide open with their Tank Busting Rockets, as they enter the Rocket Tank's use their heavy chainguns to clear out whole areas of the city the defenders stood no chance as screams fill the air.

Then 4 Cohorts from the 13th Red Scarf Legion and 2 Cohorts from the 14th Penal Legion push through forcing their way into the city keeping to their Iron Discipline and Will, the remaining defenders scattered to the winds as they advanced into the inner city they paid the Loot and Civilians little to no mind at all.

“ Enemy Stronghold ! In that building ! ” shouted one of The Red Scarf Legionnaires. The Red Scarf Contubernium went in to clear it the remaining defenders within the house tried to surrender but were shot before they could even utter a word.

And it was no different in all other imperial cities they stormed, and in a mere 30 minutes they reached the Palace.

The Red Scarves and Penal Legionnaires opened fire quickly dispatching all remaining defenders, they were Quick, Brutal some could even say Graceful.

Before they could do more damage Liberalis stopped them
“ Get me Decanus Dean Mcreed. ”
He said.

One of the Red Scarf Centurians nods “ Yes Liberalis. ” and he runs of and returns with Dean and his Contubernium. Who were quickly earning the admiration of Liberalis.

“ Dean Prepare yourselves, we're going in to the Palace, our objective is to force a Surrender and if possible. Take as much political leaders here hostage. ”

Dean and His Contubernium ready their weapons as Liberalis walked closer to the Door. Dean and his Contubernium go ahead performing breach and clear operations within the mansion.

And as they ascended to the throne room Faustinus and Saxton broke the door open and the Contubernium performed another breach and clear but there was no one.

“ Dammit. Sir there gone ” Dean said, Liberalis uses Comms to get in touch with Legate Varus.

“ Legate have you searched the grounds ? Is there anyone on sight ? ”

Legate Varus replied.
“ Negative we've searched the rest of the mansion and the rest of the city while you were in there, they must have escaped while we were storming the city. ”

Liberalis gave a sigh and sat down on the throne, he turns to Dean and orders him to secure the mansion.

As the rest of The 13th Red Scarf Legion and 14th Penal Legion moved in they began burying the Dead and those who were willing to live under Sissinius's rule can stay, those who supported the empire was imprisoned but otherwise the civilian population of Italica were treated fairly.

Then about an Hour Later Sissinius arrived leading 4 Full Legions supported by Elemants of Rocket Tanks, Air support consisting of Dropships, fighters and Bombers.

“ Sissinius ! I see you've taken the legions, where will be the next strike ? ” asked Liberalis, and Sissinius decided now would be the time to finish this war.

“ I'm going to deliver a crippling blow, our next target is the Imperial Capital. ” said Sissinius, Liberalis went silent, as he now knew there would be no way to atleast talk to this people, still he did take joy in knowing this war will be over.

The Question is will it all be fine and okay when they finally restyle control of this world they call Falmart will they bring it to a better future, or will they simply lead it to a Dark path of nothingness and never ending bloodshed and Horror.

Liberalis banished this thoughts from his mind, and he asks Sissinius. “ And the JSDF ? ”

“ Leave them be for now, but if they prove to be problem I expect you to be the first responders. ”

When all is said and Done, Sissinius eager to put this war behind him. Signals the Blitzkrieg towards the imperial Capital.

And he says
“ Machine God permit, we may win this war. ”