Chapter 18 : Killing The Flame Dragon

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As the Armored Legionnary transport arrives at a small cave leading to where the flame dragon sleeps, Faustinus and Victrix volunteered to scout ahead while the others prepare to kill the flame dragon, then Dante will resurrect the beast.

Victrix and Faustinus returned Dean was relieved to find that they were not killed by the dragon.

Victrix spoke up.
" Decanus, we found large cave within. But we found no dragon."
Faustinus then spoke up to back Victrix's claims stating that :

" I think we arrived early, the flame dragon is usually active in this time of day. Perhaps if we wait long enough IT will come to us. "

Dean nods, then Saxton walked up to them and said " Hey sir, Why don't we just blow the damn thing with our battle cruisers ? I mean it's quicker then waitin here for that flyin' lizard. "

" It does too much damage to the flame dragon, to the point where its pointless to resurrect that beast with our technology. " said Dante, then he looks at Dave, Mike and Thomas and says

" Dave, Mike, Thomas. Go inside the cave and plant X11 Explosives. "

The three emmidiatelly get to work with Tech Priest Dante's orders. Dave and Mike carried the explosives and planted them inside the cave where the Dragon was most likely to be sleeping.

Thomas made sure the connection was established to a remote trigger so they can set the explosives off from a distance.

Outside the others prepare to fight the flame dragon, after readying theor weapons they began to dine on their rations of beef, All except Dante for he is more machine then man.

Yao looks up in the sky in anticipation for the flame dragon.

Saxton looks at her and says
" Hey Yao, don't worry 'bout them Flame dragon, they'll only get here till store hours... They ain't open yet. " while they ate Dante was sitting next to Rory she noticed Dante was chanting something over and over again.

' 0110100100. 0110100100. 0110100100. '

Hours pass then at night they all saw a shadowy form flying in the sky, Cass uses her specialised combat visors to scan the figure over head.

" Confirmed we have our Flame Dragon. "

" Alright Penal Legionnaires, go forward with the plan, Rory Cass you two stay out here and watch for other dragons. The rest of you with me " said Dean, Tech Priest Dante readied his Plasma Rifle Extrodinarii. And he soon enters as well. Much to Rory's approval given her problems with going underground she and Cass would soon be fighting another.

Meanwhile inside The Dragon enters its Den, Tech Priest Dante. Dean and his men are hiding in plain sight waiting for the perfect moment to spring the trap.

The Dragon flies into its nest, and it begins to lay down right on top off all the X11 explosives.

As Dante was about to light the place up with explosives, the flame dragon noticed the head of Saxton peeking out. The dragon let out a deafening roar, The Penal Legionnaires are taken by surprise.

The Flame Dragon breathed fire upon the Penal Legionnaires, they took cover behind rocks and other such available cover.

Dante narrowly escaped a blast of Flame by hiding behind large rocks, Dante takes aim for the eyes and fires his Plasma Rifle Extrodinarii, the hot beam of deadly plasma hit the flame dragon directly in the eyes.

Dean and his Contubernium returned fire, Dean then orders his men to follow him and provide suppressive fire, The Dragon let's out another jet of Flames at them.