Chapter 13 : All Quite In Italica Part 2

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As Mike turns to see the cloaked figure, who's hair was white and skin was brown he reacted with anticipation.

" Oh! Ah! OK..."

He then turns to Dave and says
" This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, now WE name this people right ! We call them. " The Elvegaunts " now how cool is that ? Is that cool or is that cool ?"

Dave replies
" I guess - " but before he could continue Mike cuts him off saying " I think it's cool. " Dave then replies " I guess..."

" Here let's ask him. " Mike turns to the cloaked figure and says
" Hey buddy ! Yeah you ! Come over here a minute ! "

The Cloaked figure looks at him and walks over to him and said
" I'm not doing anything, officer. "

" What ? Oh don't worry your not in trouble. We just a question for ya " said Mike, the cloaked said
" I didn't see anything either. "

" Do you think ' The Empire' is a dumb name for a human race, I mean you guys have cool names. " asked Mike, the cloaked figure cleared her throat and said
" I don't know good sir. I just wanted to go and drink some bear "

" Damn. This early in the morning ? " asked Mike, the cloaked figure looked at him with nervous and fearful eyes and said " Uhhh. I got an ID. "

" Ah. Forget it just get outha here. " said Mike and cloaked figure walks away.

" We have toothpaste ! That's more creatively named then what the people here call their nation. " said Mike he then continues and says " You guys just don't get it. "

" Your just thinking about it too much. " Dave replied, and Mike replied " Oh. And what are you thinking about socrates ? "

Dave answered his question saying " Well now. You got me thinking about the Empire. " Mike then replied

" Yeah. And how they need a better name right ?" asked Mike then Dave answers him " No. I mean if we should really be fighting for the Red Scarves. "

Mike answers
" I don't see why not. If you can't beat em join em. Besides with our job skills what's the alternative? Garbage collector? "

" Well. We could always join empire. " Dave commented.

Mike looks at him and says
" Oh please. The Empire are idiots. "

" What makes you say that ? " asked Dave, Mike looks at him and says " Cause their all heart and no brain. " he continues by stating : " If they don't look at the big picture, they may as well be fighting the Red Scarves with nerf ball guns. "

Dave being a little sympathetic towards people outside the Red Scarves replied :

" Oh come on. They wouldn't be fighting if they didn't think they have a chance. "

Mike replied
" I understand where their coming from. No ones holding hands and singing ' Joy to the world.' ever since we showed up and kicked their ass. Let's look at the facts. We Red Scarves conquered them in a matter of DAYS. the entire planet. Isn't that what we call the invasion now? The 7 day offensive? You wanna know why ? "

" Cause it lasted seven day-" once again Dave gets cut off by Mike
" Cause it lasted 7 Days that's why ! Most soldiers are in training longer then that. That means it takes less time for a soldier to clock in and clock out of the barracks, The Red Scarves conquered the whole world. Where as some nobles are playing with spread sheets. "

Dave then replies.
" Well that's because we cut them off guard. " Mike then turns to him and says  " OK let's say they were ready for us. Then what ? We'd call it the 10 day offensive ?our offensive was like a pack of wolves ! The Empire just isn't doing the math on this. Look who has more fighters ? The Red Scarves or the Empire ? "