Chapter 14 : Technological Might

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As Itami and his men were about leave going back to Alnus, Tech priest Dante brings along a trolley he hooks unto the vehicles of the JSDF filled with Technology that would make their world think just how powerfull The Red Scarves truly are

Then as they were about to leave Dante boards a JSDF vehicle and sits down next to Rory the repear and Dante looks at Itami sitting in the front.

“ So I guess The Tech Priest is really coming with us isn't he ?” said Itami in a sluggish manner one of his subordinates came up to him and said “ Sir. A message from the major, they said we can bring him in and treat Mr. Dante with all due courtesy. ”

Itami replied in a lazy manner
“ Yeah yeah. Just tell him what are E. T. A. Is would ya ? Move out ” and the JSDF vehicles moved out of Italica. Cohorts of Penal Legionnaires and Red Scarf Legionnaires lined up as Honor Guards.

As they began to traverse and near Alnus Hill. Dante looked out the window and saw assault helicopters flying around, and soldiers firing their weapons in a firing range. Dante looked at them and said “ Your weapons are of fine engineering, who ever made your Rifles must have been good with his parts. ”

Itami turned to look at Dante and he said “ Hey Dante, if you don't mind me asking. What kind of technology are you guys showing us ? ” Dante looked at him with all his Red Eyes which made itami flinch a little at the Red Scarf Tech Priest. Dante replied.

“ Technology of the infantry sort. You shall see soon enough. ”

Then they enter Alnus Hill, Dante was the first to exit the troops transport of JSDF, his machine body catching the attention of all JSDF personnel on sight, Dante can even hear then talking about him. He chuckled a little, before preparing the presentation for the JSDF. However as he was seeing up he felt the presence of a person. Watching him. And when he turns around and sees Itami and Lelei looking at him
“ The presentation won't be due until an hour, itami. ” he said.

“ Wha- oh no its not that, it's just Lelei here wants to learn more about you guys and your sweet tech. ” Said Itami, and Dante looks at both of them and said
“ Ah, so this is your Daughter ? ”

This surprised Itami and waved his hands in the air. And said
" what? No! No! She's ah...”
Dante apologised to him but a metallic chuckle exits the Tech Priest's voice module.

“ Very well. Lelei you may assist me in preparing the technologies I have arrayed. ” said Dante, Lelei gave a simple nod and looked at the technology of the Red Scarves with curiosity.

As the hour passes General Hazama and a few representatives and military experts from Japan came over to see Dante's display of Technological Might.

Dante walks in front of the men, who were a little uneasy at The Tech priest and his appearance but Hazama reassured them that he was machine but with a human mind. For that was the best way they could explain.

“ Welcome to The Red Scarf presentation, I am your mediator for today. I am Tech Priest Dante and today I shall unvail to you the many technological wonders of my world. Please follow me ”
The General, and the Japanese representatives follow Dante to an open field where Dante has neatly arranged all his technology.

“ The first one would be this. The Tesla Tower. ” as Dante puts his hands on the Manual controls of the 11 foot tall Tesla Tower the Japanese looked at it with great interest and awe.

“ The Tesla Tower was designed by me to take out and eliminate enemy Infantry units with deadly volts, if set on a low electric burst it can kill up to 10 men, if set to its Medium electric output it can eliminate armored units such as tanks or if you set it to high voltage it can destroy almost enything. ” The Japanese were shocked at what The Tech Priest was saying and General Hazama said “ Interesting, is their anything else we should know?”

Dante begins booting the systems
“ It doesn't need Human operators, it has a highly advanced A. I. Computing Matrix. It has the capacity to identify which Target is Friendly and hostile, and it can aim and shoot on its own. ”

General Hazama began to get interested “ Very impressive. And are there others ? What kind of capabilities does it have ? ”

Dante finished with his task of rebooting and restarting the Tesla Tower, and he looks at them “ It can target both Air and Ground targets at Long ranges, it can also intercept incoming missiles in a relatively short reaction time, it also has a chain reaction. If other organic compounds are found nearby the electrical current will electrify them as well. And no need to worry about demages, the tesla tower has highly advanced and sufficticated on board repair systems that can repair them in a matter of minutes. ” the Japanese looked at each other in Awe and amazement then Dante targets an open plain “ Target that open field. ” The Tesla Coil A. I. Responds and fires a stream of deadly electricity, the electricity hits it target causing an explosion of Electrical current.

“ It can also take voice commands” Dante said and as he turned the Japanese clapped at the presentation, and he asks
“ Has The Red Scarf presence been made public in your world by any chance ? ”

General Hazama replies.
“ No. As of now your presence is classified ” Dante then replies
“ Good. Gaius Sissinius and Gaius Liberalis wants to keep it that way. ”

When Hazama asks why. Tech Priest Dante simply replied
“ Because doing so would only ensure that our agreement be exploited by other powers, they may very well send their men here in an attempt to steal our technology out of me. ”
Hazama understands and he and the Japanese reassure him that the Red Scarves will be keeped under the radar. And his concerns will be put forward to the Japanese government. And with that Dante can begin packing his technology.

“ And That is all for Red Scarf Technology for today, I will see you again tomorrow. ” said Dante and slowly the Japanese began to disporce.