Chapter 9 : The Flame Dragon Part 2

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The Dragon casted a shadow above the Penal Legionnaires and the JSDF, The Dropship quickly moved out of its way to avoid getting damaged.

The Rocket tank gunner fires the Rocket Tank's heavy chaingun hitting its chest, the chaingun rounds rip through the dragon and took out some of the scales.

The dragon roared in pain and breathed its fire on Dean and the Rocket Tank, but the speed and mobility of the Rocket tank allows it to get out of the way before it got consumed by the fire.

On the Back Cass, Tuka and her father along with Cabrira hang on to the Rocket tank as it hastily moved past the fire dragon.

But the fire got to the Coda villagers, burning many of the villagers alive. Children ran as fast as they could to whatever safe haven there is, if that was safety.

“ A Flame Dragon ! I've never actually seen one! ” shouted Cato, Thomas was hanging on to their carrage wasn't expecting a dragon while she chatting with Lelei, although as a soldier he does what he always does when the enemy presents itself.

“ CATO ! Get this thing out of the way ! ”

And as Cato and Lelei do this Thomas brought his STG 14 to bare and started firing at the Eyes, learning from the previous battle at the elven village, then The JSDF get into the action, providing covering fire for Thomas. With luck Thomas, Lelei and Cato get away reletively unscaved.

The Rocket tank continues to fire its chaingun, While Dean and all his Contubernium opens fire doing what ever they could to protect the Coda Villagers.

Tuka holds on with her father for Dear life on the Rocket Tank, Dean Fires his assault Rifle as the Rocket Tank keeps the Dragon distracted.

Cabrira grabbed his bow and arrow loosing arrows at the Dragon Cass, joined by Victrix Dave, Mike let loose as much bullets as they could their bullets finding the eyes.

Saxton and Faustinus go around the people of Coda trying help as much as they could while also taking pot shots at the Dragon while the Dropship fires it heavy machine guns at it.

The JSDF also join the fray, Thomas fighting side by side with Shino Kuribayashi, as they try to get civilians out of the way.

Then A rocket from the JSDF hits the dragon cutting off its arm, then the Rocket Tank fires its Hugh explosive missiles, hitting it in the wings severely wounding it before it flew away in a crippled manner.

A few miles up ahead the JSDF and The Penal Legionnaires Bury the dead of Coda, the children of those who died began wiping about their lost loved ones.

“ I would like to thank you both Mr Dean and Mr Itami, you have helped save the people of Coda and for that I thank you. ” said the village chief.

“ Your welcome.” said Itami, then Dean replies “ It was my Duty and for that your welcome. ”

“ Well If you'll excuse me gentlemen we must keep moving take care if them. ” said the village chieften.

Itami was surprised, and Dean asked “ So your going to leave this... Children to their own Devices ? ” Dean's voice had a tone, he was clearly worried about this kids.

“ Yes, we have to keep moving we can't take them with us ” Itami grabed Dean by the shoulder, understanding his concerns.

“ I have seen far to many children be abandoned to die in my years if service Itami, we can't leave them here. ” said Dean.

Itami then replies.
“ I know, I know what you mean.  ” Itami and Dean turn to the children of Coda.

Dean said to them.
“ Don't worry, we're gonna take care of you ! ”

Itami then had an idea to bring them to the JSDF base. Dean orders his men to load up for the trip ahead.

= Princess Pina and her forces =

“ What they fought off a flame dragon !? ”

“ That's right! I saw it for myself!” said the barmaid the men simply laughed at her claims.

“ You've been drinking what your selling! ” said one of the men then another one stepped up and said “ Maybe you hit your head, and had a little dream!”

A laughed burst of laughter followed, of course the maid expected this and simply walked past ignoring the men as they laughed.

In the very corner of the bar, princess pina and her rose knights sit down. Blending in with the commoners as they do whatever nonesense people like to do.

“ So Norms what do you think ? ” asked Pina, then Norma said
“ What do I think ? Well the food is atrocious and what's worse are the drinks. ”

Then an older Knight Gray said
“ Alright, alright were here to discuss about Italica's defenses ”
Pina then looked at her other Knight Hamilton and said

“ Please Continue. ”

“ Alright theirs been a lot of talk lately about a group of mercenaries in Green and Mercenaries in Black and Red, they evacuated the people of Coda village... And they say, that defeated a flame dragon. ” said Hamilton.

Altough Norma was not impressed at and said
“ Yeah I don't know, Yverns and drakes can easily be mistaken for a flame dragon. ”

Then the Barmaid approached and said “ I know a dragon when I see one mister. ”

“ Hah! You've been drinking what your selling. ” said Norma.

Then Hamilton asked for more information about this strange mercenaries. To which the barmaid replied

“ Hmm. Let me think I can't quite remember. ”

Then Hamilton showed her a bronze coin to which the bar maiden snatched and said
“ Thank you young Knight ! Well I suppose I should tell you then. ”

She clears her throat and said.
“ They came the same day of thd attack the men in green rode in emense carriages of iron, and The Red Ones rode in a mighty Eagle of Steel and a mighty elephant of fire. As strong as stone. All of them Clad in Red or In Green.

But the Red Ones Weapons are better ! Their weapons can peirce through the scales of the flame dragon, while the men in Green had to use a deadly fire Spear that spits fire. Their eyes Glowing Red. ”